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Discussion What is a successful English class? What kind of people is a qualified English teacher? Successful English Class Clear objectives Student-centered Teacher-serving Advanced appropriate methods Lively friendly atmosphere Objectives reached Clear objectives What should be taken into consideration when setting the learning and teaching objectives? The English New Curriculum Standard The communicative competence Components of communicative language ability Components of language Student-centered The analysis of the students’ need The master of the classroom TTT / STT Moderate homework encouragement new views on intelligence (Howard Gardner, 1983) 1). Linguistic intelligence 2). Logical-mathematical intelligence 3). Spatial intelligence ( the ability to find your way around an environment, to form mental images of reality) 4). Musical intelligence ( the ability to perceive and create pitch and rhythmic patterns) 5). Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence ( fine motor movement, athletic prowess) 6). Interpersonal intelligence ( the ability to understand others, how they feel, and to interact effectively with them) 7). Intrapersonal intelligence ( the ability to understand oneself and to develop a sense of self-identity) Robert Sternberg is also charting new territory in intelligence research in recognizing people’s creative thinking and manipulative strategies as part of intelligence. Teacher’s role Leader Lecturer organizer Advisor Facilitator Evaluator Teaching methods What teaching method do you employ in your English teaching? How long have you been using them? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the method? Teaching methods Translation 5 Steps PPP Communicative language teaching Task-based approach PBL QBL Four language abilities Listening (imitating and habit) Speaking (fluency vs accuracy) Reading (comprehension vs speed) Writing (product vs process) Basic concepts Learn through doing What to learn – How to learn Language learner – language use


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