高考英语复习冲刺训练附解析: Module5 Cloning (外研版选修6 ).docVIP

高考英语复习冲刺训练附解析: Module5 Cloning (外研版选修6 ).doc

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Module 5 Cloning 能 力 闯 关  Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Jurassic Park is an i________ land where there live dinosaurs. 2.It is known to all that sunshine is b________ to plants. 3.My opinion is i________ with his.I completely agree with him. 4.The black mountain c________ sharply with the white snow. 5.At present,a c________ of the birth rate is still an emergency in some Asian countries. 6.His ________(皱巴巴的)skins suggest that he is quite old. 7.________(陪伴)by Hammond’s two grandchildren,they are sent on a tour through Jurassic Park. 8.The government is ________(鼓励)people to take steps to protect the environment. 9.The hostages(人质)suffered a ________(可怕的)ordeal(折磨). 10.It is completely ________(胡扯)to say that scientists can clone an entire human being at the moment. 答案:1.imaginary 2.beneficial 3.identical 4.contrasts 5.control 6.wrinkled7.Accompanied 8.encouraging 9.terrifying 10.nonsense Ⅱ.单项填空 1.News reports say peace talks between the two countries ________ with no agreement reached.   A.have broken down B.have broken out C.have broken in D.have broken up 解析:该题考查动词短语的用法区别。break down表示“(计划、谈判等)失败;坚持不下去了”;break out表示“(战争、火灾、疾病等)爆发;发生”;break in意思是“强行进入;插嘴”;break up表示“分开;拆散;散会;放学”。根据句中with no agreement reached可知,两国和平谈判失败。 答案:A 2.—The ceremony has already started. —Look!The flag is ________ now. A.being raised B.risen C.being rose D.raising 解析:本题考查时态和语态。is being raised表示“正在被升起”。 答案:A 3.Isn’t it time that you________someone’s life________easier? A.will make;a bit B.made;a lot of C.made;a bit D.have;a little 解析:句意:“难道不该是你使别人生活得舒适的时候了吗?”It’s time that...从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用made或should make;a lot of不可修饰比较级,故答案是C。 答案:C 4.I was still sleeping when the fire________,and then it spread quickly. A.broke out B.put out C.came out D.got out 解析:句意:“我还在睡觉突然失火了,而且火势迅速蔓延”。本题旨在考查词义辨析,根据题意答案为A。 答案:A 5.—I have got a headache. —No wonder. You ________ in front of that computer too long. A.work B.are working C.have been working D.worked 解析:句意:“我现在头痛。”“这不奇怪;你在电脑前一直工作这么长时间。”考查时态,work这个动作从过去开始,一直延续到现在


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