湿式石灰石烟气脱硫循环系统减阻剂配方研究 Research on Drag Reducing Agents Formula Applied to the Wet Limestone FGD System.pdf
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第34 卷 第2 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.34 No.2 Jan.15, 2014
240 2014 年1 月15 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2014 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.
DOI :10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2014.02.004 文章编号:0258-8013 (2014) 02-0240-07 中图分类号:O 373
(华北电力大学,河北省 保定市 071003)
Research on Drag Reducing Agents Formula Applied to the Wet Limestone FGD System
MA Shuangchen, XIONG Yuannan, WU Guodong, WANG Yining, LIU Xiyang, XIE Jialin
(North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, Hebei Province, China)
ABSTRACT: The polymer compounds, such as 关键词:高聚物;阻力耗能;减阻实验研究;减阻剂配方;
polyethyleneoxide (PEO), polyacrylamide (PAM) are able to 减阻效果
reduce the pipe fluid resistance. Nowadays, flue gas 0 引言
desulfurization in power plants mainly adopts the method of
wet limestone/gypsum method; Circulation pump transporting 高聚物减阻剂是一种在较低浓度下即能够明
circulation slurry causes large resistance, consuming a lot of 显减少流体阻力的药剂,大多属于水溶性和油溶性
energy in the desulfurization system. Therefore, the 的高分子聚合物。将少量的高聚物添加于输送流体
experimental research on resistance reduction for 中可导致其湍流摩阻大幅度减小。关于高聚物的减
desulfurization system in power plants was carried out. To
阻研究起始于 1948 年,在第一届国际流变学会议
simulate actual environment in wet limestone desulfurization
slurry, different concentrations of drag reducing agent (DRA)
were added into the slurry, and flow properties of 究的论文,提到了高聚物可大幅度降低液体运动的
desulfurization slurry and resistance reduction performance of 阻力,因此高聚物减阻又称为Toms 效应。1979 年
polymer were investigated at the same time. The
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