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Agricultura lScience Techn l gy, 2011, 12(5): 630- 631, 638 C pyrgi hZt 2011, Inf rmati n Institute f HAAS. A ll rights reserved. Agricultural Basic Science and Techn l gy Determ ination of Cadm ium and Lead in Sugarcane by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer w ith Zeeman Correction , 2 , 2 3 , 2* , 2 , 2 WANG T ian-shun , FANG Feng-xue , YANG Yu-x ia , LAI NG Jun , MO Le-ix ing , FAN Ye-geng , TANG Zhao-ling, 2 1. GuangxiSugarcane Research Institute, Nannni g 53007; 2. Quality Supervsi i n andTesting center f rSugarcane, China M inistry fAgr-i culture, Nanning 530007; 3. Institute fPal nt Pr tecti n, GuangxiAcademy fAgriculture Sciences, Nannni g 530007 Abstract [ Objective] The ami was t deve l p a rapdi, smi ple meth d f rdetemr ni ati n f cadmium and el ad in sugarcane samplesby graphite furnace at mic abs rpti nspectr metry. [M ethod] Themeth d f rdeterminati n fCd and Pb insugarcane by c mbined graphite furnace at m- ci abs rpti nspectr metry and micr wave d gi esti nwas used. [ R esul t] The c ncentrati ncurvewas linearw ithin the range f0- 0. 80Lg/ L the detecti n lmi its fCd and Pbwas 0. 015 and 0. 030Lg/ L, respectively. The precsi i n f re el venf dl determinati n f Cd and f Pb at the 0. 40 Lg/ L el velwere 1. 8% and 2. 3% (RSD ), respectively. Rec veries f96. 7% - 98. 2% f r Cd and 104. 6% - 106. 7% f rPbwere btained f r tw sugarcane sampel s and ne certified reference materai .l [ Conclusion] The pr p sed meth d has the advantages f smi ple perati n, high sensitiv ity, and high effci iency; itwas successfully used f rdeterminati n fCd and Pb ni sugarcane sampel s. Key words M ci r wave digesti n; Graphite furnace-at mic abs rpti n spectr metry; Cadm ium; Lead; Sugarcane C nsidering the p tentia


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