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摘 要 伴随着经济体制的转轨,产业经济的调整,劳动力市场也随之发生了重大的变化,女性失业的问题愈演愈烈。他们的各方面的权益的缺失问题,对我国现行的体制提出了极大的挑战。 本文首先对失业的相关概念进行了界定,明确了失业的定义,之后分析了女性失业问题出现的背景以及其带来的对社会、对家庭的不利影响,并由此得出了研究女性失业问题的重要意义。 这之后,本文以济南市城镇女性的实际情况为例,通过实证分析的方法,对济南市城镇失业女性的现状进行了分析,并提出了其存在的一系列的问题:像失业女性再就业愿望迫切,生活一般比较困难,心理状态失衡等。 随后,文章从经济学的角度,运用贝克尔歧视理论分析了女性失业中存在的极其严重的性别歧视问题的原因。 最后,为了解决济南市城镇失业女性的问题,同时结合了济南市的具体情况,文章提出了一系列的对策建议,结合了实际,我们提出了大力推行女性社区就业这一对策,同时对这一做法提出了较为完整的实施建议。此外,文章还提出了针对女性就业歧视的一些对策建议以及完善失业保险制度和生育保险制度等的其他建议。 关键词:失业女性,性别歧视,社区就业 ABSTRACT Accompanying with economy system transformation and industrial structure being adjusted, labor force market has taken important variety: The problem of female unemployment becomes worse. They run short of all kinds of rights and interests which brings forward challenge to actual social system. First of all, the paper takes definition and correlative analysis of concepts about unemployment, and then analysis the background and the bad effect of female unemployment which brought to the society and families. After this, we take method of demonstration to analysis the reality about Jinan’s unemployment women and we also find a lot of problems. Such as unemployment women are eager to go back to work again and their lives are usually tough and they also have bad mood. Then the paper discusses the causation of gender discrimination which is existed in the labor force market form the economic views. And we also use Becker Discrimination Theory in the paper. In order to solve the female unemployment of Jinan city, we give many countermeasures and suggestions which based on the reality of Jinan. We think the most appropriate method is to promote the community employment. Besides, the paper also gives some other suggestions. KEY WORDS: unemployed women, gender discrimination, community employment 目 录 前 言 - 4 - 1 问题的提出 - 4 - 2 研究女性失业问题的意义 - 4 - 3.研究目的和思路 - 5 - 4.文章框架 - 5 - 第1章 概念界定及研究背景 - 7 - 1.1 失业的概念界定 - 7 - 1.1.1 关于就业和失业的理论界定 - 7 - 1.1.2 关于就业和失业的统计定义 - 8 - 1.1.3 国际上关于失业定义的相关资料[4] - 8 - 1.1.4 我国


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