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本科毕业论文(设计、创作) 题目: 论公路交通运输对区域经济发展的作用分析 ——以合肥市为例 学生姓名: 方健 学号: 0808059 所在院系: 交通工程学院 专业: 交通运输 入学时间: 二〇〇八 年 九 月 导师姓名: 彭飞 职称/学位: 助教/硕士 导师所在单位: 安徽三联学院交通工程学院 完成时间: 二〇一二 年 五 月 安徽三联学院教务处 制 摘要 交通运输是区域经济的子系统,是国民生产的重要部门之一,实现人和货物在空间上的位移。对区域经济发展的作用分析有利于帮助我们了解区域经济并分析交通运输是怎样作用于区域经济系统的。。 公路交通运输和区域经济发展作用的关系国外学者从19世纪就已经有了研究,并得出了大量的理论。但是我国这方面的研究从上世纪五十年代才开始,由于起步比较晚,具有世界影响力的研究屈指可数。本论文通过分析公路交通运输和区域经济的相互作用,了解公路交通运输区域在区域经济发展中起到的作用,从而发挥交通运输在区域交通经济中正面作用。合肥作为安徽省的省会,近几年来经济发展迅速,公路交通运输的发展也十分的迅猛。本文以合肥为例,分析当前公路交通运输在合肥经济中的作用和影响,对合肥市公路交通运输提出几点可行的建议措施,,使得合肥的公路交通能够在经济发展中起到积极的作用。 【关键字】公路交通运输 区域性经济 合肥 ABTRACT The transportation is the region economy subsystems, is one of the important national production department, realize the goods and the spatial displacement. On the regional economic development function analysis to help us understand the regional economic and analyzes how transportation in the role of regional economic system. Transportation and regional economic development of foreign scholars role relationship from the 19th century there were already research, and the conclusion that a large number of theory. However, in the research of this aspect from the 1950s began, due to start a little late, has the world influence research numbered. This essay analyzes highway transportation and regional economic in-teraction, understand highway traffic transportation area in regional economic development act, to play the transportation in the regional transportation econom-y positive role. Hefei, capital of Anhui province as, in recent years the rapid economic development, the development of transportation also very rapidly. Thi-s paper to Hefei as an example, the analysis of the current highway traffic tra-nsportation in Hefei economic the effect and influence of Hefei highway traffictransportation puts forward some feasible Suggestions of the measures make Hefei road transpor


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