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第二届黑龙江省“高教社杯”商务英语系列大赛 商务英语写作初赛参考答案 The 2nd Heilongjiang “HEP Cup” Business English Series Competition Suggested Answer to the Preliminary Business English Writing Competition 商务英语写作大赛初赛答案: 1. To: From: Date: Subject: Cost-cutting: Administration Department Introduction As is requested by Manager ____, this report is to examine ways of cutting costs in the Administration Department and explain the implications of these cuts for the running of the department. It is based on the results of a detailed questionnaire sent to all employees. Findings It is clear that within the department there are a number of areas where cost-cutting measures could be taken. The most significant areas of concern are the following: paper and refreshments Recommendations In order to deal with the issue of paper, it is suggested that the department installs a system to recycle all used printing and photocopying paper. It is expected that by adopting new recycling procedures, the department could save as much as 300 Yuan a month. As for refreshments, it is recommended that tea and coffee should only be offered to employees during morning and afternoon breaks. At all other times employees should be required to pay for refreshments. This measure should reduce the company’ s monthly bill for refreshments from 310 Yuan to 520 Yuan. Conclusion It is felt that the above measures will result in immediate and substantial savings for the Administration Department. Although theses recommendations are not expected to affect the running of the department in any significant way, managers should be prepared to encounter initial resistance from staff. 2. The graph shows the amount of fast food eaten between 1970 and 1990 in grams per person per week. Overall, the amount of fast food eaten more than doubled. The amount of fish and chips eaten


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