Combinatorics of gauge fields教程.pdf

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Nuclear Physics B50 (1972) 318-353. North-Holland Publishing Company C O M B I N A T O R I C S O F G A U G E F I E L D S G. t HOOFT and M. VELTMAN Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Utrecht * Received 31 July 1972 Abstract: Gauge field theories can be described by many different sets of Feynman rules, de- pending on the particular gauge chosen. In this paper a prescription for obtaining the Feynman rules in different gauges is given. A rigorous combinatorial proof of the inde- pendence of the S-matrix of the chosen gauge is presented. The proof is general and applies to Yang-MiUstype theories as well as to gravitation. For renormalizable Yang- Mills type theories it is shown that the renormalized theory is invariant with respect to renormalized gauge transformations. 1. INTRODUCTION A gauge field theory is defined to be any quantum field theory which has a local gauge invariance [1]. The local gauge group may be any (compact or non compact) Lie group. Examples are: (i) Massless Yang-MiUs fields [2]; (ii) Massive Yang-MiUs fields if the mass of the vector bosons is due to the Higgs- Kibble mechanism [3, 4, 5]; (di) Quantum theory of gravitation. It appears that a gauge field theory can be described by many different sets of Feynman rules corresponding to different gauges. One of these sets will only con- tain internal lines that correspond to physical particles (that is, no ghosts). In such a set, unitarity of the S-matrix is relatively simple to prove. It will be called the phy-



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