生物技术专业英语 全套课件.ppt

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Reproductive medicine has come a long way in a very short time. It is now a$1billion-a-year industry that accounts for some 23,000 live births a year in the U.S. But its well- publicized mishaps have moral overtones Are we interfering with the natural order of things, allowing doctors to play God? 生殖医学在很短的时间内有了很大的进步。它现在是一个每年1亿的产业,承担着美国一年大约23,000生命的诞生。但是大肆宣扬的不幸事件有着一些道德上的暗示。允许医生扮演上帝的角色,我们是否打乱了事物的自然秩序? For those who choose to play its roulette wheel, baby-making technology is both heart-wrenching and expensive (as much as $18,000 for a procedure). It involves sophisticated drugs that you must inject into yourself daily and whose long-term toll (cost) may be yet unknown. But the possible return? A miracle! 就像选择了玩轮盘赌,婴儿制造技术让人心痛而且花费昂贵(一个疗程多达$18,000)。它包括你必须每天给自己注射的复杂的药物,这个长期花费还是未知的。但是可能的回报呢?是个奇迹! Last week Fasano announced she had agreed to surrender custody of her black son to the black couple, pending the final results of a DNA test. A mother was giving up a son whom she had borne and whom she loves; another woman was receiving the gift of life. Two couples who had separately made the decision to undergo the invasive procedures of modern reproductive medicine and place their faith in the hands of all-too-fallible infertility experts are now permanently join together, their private lives public, their sons forever brothers. 在DNA检测的最终结果出来之前,Fasano在上周宣布她同意交出她的黑人儿子的抚养权给那对黑人夫妇。一个母亲被迫放弃了一个她亲生和爱着的儿子,另一位女性接受了这个生命的礼物。两对夫妇分别作出了决定,经历了现代生殖医学的入侵性过程,将他们的信任交与太容易出错的不育专家手中,现在他们永远地联系在了一起,他们的隐私公诸于众,他们的儿子永远是兄弟。 Essay 45 Genomics # Words [1] therapeutic [????????????] adj.治疗的, 治疗学的 [2] bioinformatics [??????????????????] n.生物信息学 [3] take off v. 起飞 [4] initiation [????????????] n.开始 [5] entirety [?????????] n.全部, 完全 [6] Haemophilus influenzae[?????????? ????????????] 流感嗜血杆菌 [7] rough draft n.框架图 [8] Human Genome Project 人类基因组计划 [9] fanfare n.喇叭或号角嘹亮的吹奏声, 吹牛 [10] buzzword [???????] n. 时髦词汇。是指在某一时期大量被媒体使 用的词汇 [11] proteome [??????????] n.蛋白组 [12] totality [??????????] n.全体, 总数 [13] proteom


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