冶金工程专业英语 全套课件.ppt

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*/* Fig. 3-11 EAF general features 9. pouring spout: 出钢槽。 10. rear door: 炉门。 11. slag apron: 挡渣板。 12. sill line: 炉门坎。 13. side door: 侧门。 14. bezel ring: 加固圈。 15. roof ring: 炉顶圈。 16. rocker: 摇架。 17. rocker rail: 摇架轨道。 18. tilt cylinder: 倾动液压缸。 19. main platform: 主平台。 20. roof removal jib structure: 炉盖旋转机构。 21. electrode mast stem: 电极升降支柱。 22. electrode mast arm: 电极横臂。 23. electrode: 电极。 24. electrode holder: 电极夹持器。 25. bus tube: 铜排。 26. secondary power cables: 二次侧电缆。 27. electrode gland: 电极孔封盖。 28. electrical equipment vault: 电器设备房。 */* The EAF is cylindrical in shape. The furnace bottom consists of a spherically shaped bottom dish. The shell sitting on top of this is cylindrical and the furnace roof is a flattened sphere. Most modern furnaces are of the split shell variety. This means that the upper portion of the furnace shell can be quickly decoupled and removed from the bottom. This greatly minimizes down time due to changeout of the top shell. Once the top shell is removed, the furnace bottom can also be changed out fairly quickly. Some shops now follow a practice where the shell is changed out on a regular basis every few weeks during an eight hour downshift. 8. downshift: 换低速档;停产检修。 */* The furnace sidewall above the slag line usually consists of water-cooled panels. These panels are hung on a water-cooled cage which supports them. The furnace roof also consists of water-cooled panels. The center section of the roof which surrounds the electrode ports is called the roof delta and is a cast section of refractory which may be water cooled. The furnace bottom consists of a steel shell with several layers of refractory. Fig. 3-12 shows a modern EBT EAF. 29. water-cooled panel: 水冷板。 32. roof delta: 炉顶三角区。 */* Fig. 3-12 Plan and section views of a modern EBT EAF 33. EBT EAF: Eccentric Bottom Tapping Electric Arc Furnace,偏心底出钢(EBT)电炉 */* 2. Water-Cooled Side Panels One of the most important innovations in EAF design was water cooling. Although this was used to a


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