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23 6 Vol. 23, No. 6 2003 11 ACTA SCIENTIAE CIRCUMSTANTIAE Nov. , 2003 :2003) :X1714 : A 1 1* 1 2 孙 琴 , 倪吾钟 , 杨肖娥, 丁士明 ( 1, 310029; 2. , 100101) : , . , ( 05 20 mmol L- 1) , . ( 05 10 mmol L- 1 ) ; ( 20mmol L- 1 ) . S ( )R ( ) 1, ! ( Phosphorus i duced zi c requireme t)∀. , . : ; ; ; ; ; Effects of phosphorus on the growth, zinc absorption and accumulation in hyperaccumulator Sedum afl redii Hance 1 1* 1 2 SUN Qi , NI Wuzho g , YANG Xiaoe , DING Shimi g ( 1College of E viro me tal a dResource Scie ces, Zheijia g U iversity,Ha gzhou 310029; 2. I stitute of Geographical Scie ces a d Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beiji g 100101) Abstract: I this paper,we i vestigated the i teractio s betwee P a d Z i Sedum afl redii Ha ce i hydropo ic culture to compare with a o hyperaccumulator Sedum emarginatum Migo. Biomass ( dry matter) of leaves, stems a d roots of Sedum afl redii Ha ce i creased sig ifica tly with i creasi g P supplies from 05 to 20mmol L- 1 at all Z levels. Z co te ts a d amou ts of Z accumulated i leaves, stems a d roots of Sedum afl redii Ha ce i creased sig ifica tly with i creasi g P co ce tratio s i utrie t solutio ( for leaves a d stems from05to 10mmol L- 1 ,for roots from 05 to 20 mmol L- 1 ) at all Z levels, a d a higher P supply at 20 mmol L- 1 remarkably reduced Z co ce tratio s a d accumulatio i leaves a d stems of Sedum afl redii Ha ce. It was also fou d that there were a higher ratio of shoot Z accumulatio roots Z ( SR 1) i a y P a d Z treatme ts, suggesti g that appropriate P applicatio e ha ced Z absorptio , tra slocatio from root to shoot a d accumulatio i shoots of Sedum afl redii Ha ce.


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