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绿色制造在诸暨珍珠产业的应用研究 内 容 摘 要 在中国经济持续发展和中国企业现代化进程中,对环境的破坏十分严重,环境问题已经影响到了中国企业的竞争力,尤其是国际竞争力,部分企业甚至因此丧失了可持续发展的能力。面对各种来自外部环境管理带来的市场竞争压力和自我生存的压力,中国企业仅靠传统的竞争手段已不能适应目前这种生态化市场和可持续发展的需要。因此,引入绿色制造理念、实施绿色制造是现代中国企业主动挑战环境危机、提高国际市场竞争力以拓展企业生存发展空间的必由之路。 珍珠产业是中国的传统产业和民族产业,也是浙江省诸暨市的特色块状产业和最具成长性的优势产业之一。本文通过学术资料的搜集、文献的阅读,以诸暨珍珠产业为研究对象,以绿色制造为目标,通过对诸暨珍珠企业的问卷调查,根据调查所得的数据来分析影响绿色制造这一实施过程中的因素,然后根据诸暨珍珠产业的发展和背景,最后通过研究和分析将所影响的因素解决,实现诸暨珍珠产业的绿色制造。 关键词:绿色制造 绿色供应链 现代工艺 Appling Research on Green Manufacturing In Zhuji Pearl Industry Abstract Chinese sustained economic development and modernization process of Chinese enterprises, environmental damage is very serious, environmental problems have affected the competitivenes of Chinese enterprises, especially the international competitiveness of the enterprises or even lost the capacity for sustainable development. The face of various external environmental management from the pressure of market competition and the pressure of self-survival, Chinese enterprises only through traditional means can not meet the current competition in this market of ecological and sustainable development. Therefore, the introduction of green manufacturing concept, the implementation of green manufacturing is the modern Chinese enterprises take the initiative to challenge environmental crisis and improve competitivenes in the international market to expand business the only way to survival and development of space. Pearl industry is Chinese traditional industries and national industry, but also the characteristics of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province Industry and the most massive growth of the advantages of one of the industry. Through academic data collection, documentation of reading, to Zhuji pearl industry, research, to create green as the goal, Zhuji Pearl enterprises through a questionnaire survey, based on the findings of the data to analyze the impact of the implementation of green



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