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4 3 1 V ol43 N o1 20 06 2 PR OCESS EQ U IP M ENT P IPIN G Feb20 06 张玉丽 ( , 73 00 60) : , , , 20t/ h, 36m, , , 40~ 100m , 20, 80v f ( ) : ; ; ; : T Q 0 5121 : B : 100 93281( 2 00 6) Design and Application of Pneumatic Transportation System Used in Chemical Construction Zhang Yuli (L anz hou P etr ochem ical desig n inst it ute, P etr o Ch ina, L anz hou 73 00 60) Abstract F om t he p act ical des ign of a pneumatic t anspo t at ion syst em in cat alyst unit , t he p ocess data an d p ope ty pa am et e s used as t h e base in des ign w e e indicat ed. Th e sel ect ion of p oces s, t he det e minat ion of t he pa am et e s and t he calcu lat ion of t h e t anspo t at ion piping w e e desc ibed in d et ail . Wh en t h e syst em was put int o p oduct ion, t he t ansp o t ed mass eached 20 t/ h, and t h e t anspo t ed height eached 36 m , b ot h of t hem has m et t he des ign equi emen t. It has been p oved th at if ai i s us ed as t ans po tat ion gas, and f ine pa t icle medium wit h t he m ain g anula size dist ibu ting in t h e s cope of 40~ 100 ( m, it is app op iat e t o m ake t he mixed at io as 20 and t he gas vel ocity as 80 vf ( sus pen ding vel ocity of t h e pa t icle) . Keywords pneumati c t ans po t at ion, design, piping, applicat ion , 1 , 2 232m / g , L B1


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