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: Journal of X inyan Norm alUniversity 22 3 2009 7 Natural Science Ed ition Vol. 22 No. 3 Jul. 2009 DOI: 10. 3969/ j. issn. 1003-0972. 2009. 03. 025 * 范 辉 , 王义民 ( , 464000) : 选取河南省所辖地级市的 1990年1995 年2000年和 2005年 4 个横截面统计数据, 在 SPSS14. 0 软件的帮助 通过主成分分析和 K 均值聚类分析, 将河南省各地级市的耕地资源进行等级划分. 研究结果表 明, 1990- 2005年间河南省各地级市耕地资源可持续利用水平总体呈现上升趋势, 各 个地区的可持续利用水 平差异逐渐增大; 在耕地资源可持续利用水平的等级上, 各年份呈现出总体上升的发展趋势; 在空间分布上, 各 年份豫北地区耕地资源可持续利用水平较高, 而豫南和豫东则相对落后; 各年份影响耕地资源可持续利用水平 的主要因素随时间而发生变化. : 耕地资源; 可持续利用; 河南省 : F323. 211 : A : 1003-0972( 2009) 03-04 14-04 Changes in D isparity of SustainableUtilization LevelRank of ArableLand in Henan rovince * FAN Hui , WANG Y-im in ( Colle e of U rban and Environmental Science, X inyan Norm al University, X inyan 464000, China) Abstract:The statistical data of all cities in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 were selected. W ith the help of SPSS14. 0 software, the principal com ponents analy sis and the K avera e value cluster analys is were adoped to divide these cities into d ifferent ranks accordin to the sustainable u tilization levels of the arable lands. The resu lts indicated that the overall sustainab le utilization levels of the arable lands has risen from 1990 to 2005 in H enan province. But the disparity of sustainable utilization levels of arable land in each city has increased radually. In aspect of sustainable u- tilization rank of arable land, it presented the upward trend. In the spatial distribution,



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