中国花卉产业发展现状, 问题和建议 田明华.docVIP

中国花卉产业发展现状, 问题和建议 田明华.doc

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中国花卉产业发展现状、问题和建议 田明华冉福祥 (北京林业大学经济管理学院,北京100083;甘肃林业职业技术学院,甘肃天水741020经济贸易系) 摘要:关键词:;; The Status and Problems of China's Flower Industry and Counter Measures TIAN Ming-hua1,RAN Fu-xiang,(1. School of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083 2. Gansu Forestry technology College, Gansu Tianshui 741020; 3. Shanxi Vocational College of Forestry, Taiyuan 030009) Abstract: lower industry is a green and sunrise industry which not only brings into play economical, social and ecological benefits, but also concentrates labor-intensive, capital-intensive and technology-intensive. To develop China's flower industry with outstanding advantages is of momentous current significance which is propitious to the structural adjustment of agriculture cultivation, raising peasantry's revenue and meeting the needs of people's life. China's flower industry develops quickly in recent years, and China has been taken for the big country in the world. But there are still plenty of problems in China's flower industry, for example, the scale of production is too small, specialization level is low, the breeds and techniques with independent intellectual property rights lack, the brand products with region features are not enough, the technique quality systems are not normative, the flower product quality is bad, the flower currency system is not perfect, the partner products is short, the flower industry need be supervise more, and so on. Therefore, this paper brings forward a series of counter measures to the questions. Key Words: flower industry; scale of production; quality; breed; technique; industrialization 1 中国发展花卉产业的意义 广义的花卉包括鲜切花、盆栽花卉、观叶植物、庭院花卉、绿化苗木、观赏树木、草坪等几大类,它以独特的景观价值成为美化人们生活、绿化环境的重要组成部分1]。2]。 第二次世界大战以后,作为一门现代新兴产业,花卉产业在国际范围内迅速崛起,一直呈现出持续发展、欣欣向荣的局面。世界各国花卉业的生产规模、产值及贸易额都有了较大幅度的增长。目前世界花卉生产面积约210万hm2,全球花卉产业总产值已达到2000亿美元,世界花卉产品贸易额从20世纪90年代起以每年10%左右的速度递增,已成为世界贸易的大宗商品,到2006年全球花卉消费已超过3000亿美元[3]。现代花卉产业早已突破了传统种植业的范畴,辐射到农药、肥料、基质、设施、设备等相关工业、运输业、商业、旅游业等多行业,已由小农生产方式,发展为环节


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