人教版必修五Unit 5《First Aid Using Language》word同步测试.docVIP

人教版必修五Unit 5《First Aid Using Language》word同步测试.doc

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人教版必修五Unit 5《First Aid Using Language》word同步测试.doc

5-4 Using Language Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.His b________moved us. 2.Dry your hands well with a t________after you wash them. 3.The a________arrived and he was taken to hospital. 4.John was p________with the prize. 5.He slowed the bleeding by applying p________. 答案:1.bravery 2.towel 3.ambulance 4.presented 5.pressure Ⅱ.根据汉语提示完成句子 1.Can I________ (倒) you another cup of tea? 2.The two cars collided, but luckily no one was seriously ________(受伤). 3.I ________(注意到)that he was looking very nervous. 4.He ________(感染) his wound with disease germs. 5.She ________(擦) the rude words off the board. 6.He received a bad leg ________(受伤)in the war. 7.The cat gave its owner a playful________(咬). 8.He lay on the floor,________(流血)profusely. 9.Good timing is ________(不可或缺的)to our plans.10.The important decision will ________(影响)the companys future. 11.He asked ________(许多的;大量的) people. 12.Lets go out for lunch—my ________(款待). 13.He was awarded ________(在一个典礼上). 14.I ________(感到自豪)what I did. 15.Now we all know the great ________(压力)he had at that moment. 答案:1.pour 2.hurt/injured 3.noticed 4.infected 5.rubbed 6.wound  7.bite 8.bleeding 9.essential 10.affect 11.a number of 12.treat 13.at a ceremony 14.am proud of 15.pressure Ⅲ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Now he is under great ________(press). 2.He is of great ________(brave). 3.The boy was________(present)with his award. 4.We cant put our ________(hand )on the missing book. 5.He ________(squeeze)himself into a crowded bus just now. 答案:1.pressure 2.bravery 3.presented 4.hands 5.squeezed Ⅳ.单项填空 1. —It seems that you want to say something to me. —Yes. Ask for a receipt and ________that you get it. A.be careful      B.make sure C.be calm D.keep silent 答案:B make sure“弄清楚;务必;确保”。句意为“——你好像要对我说点什么。”“——是的。要一张收据并确保你得到它。” 2.The girl is badly injured. Youd better________first aid to her before taking her to hospital. A.make B.do C.take D.afford 答案:B do/give/offer first aid “进行/实施急救”。 3.Dont leave the gas on—you might ________the house. A.cut down B.fall down


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