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植物生理学报 Plant Physiology Journal 2013, 49 (6): 515~539 515 2008~2013年间植物生物学领域国内外重要研究进展比较 崔晓峰* Molecular Plant , 200031 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院 编辑部 上海 摘要: 2008年至今的五年多来是植物生物学发展进程中的一个重要时期。国内外科学家在植物生物学多个领域的研究取 , , 2008~2013 得了重要进展 特别是我国植物生物学的研究发展迅速 对国际植物生物学的贡献逐年加大。本文归纳总结了 , RNA 年间植物生物学七个领域的重要进展 包括植物基因组、作物重要农艺性状基因鉴定、植物激素、植物小分子 和表 - , , 观遗传学、植物 病原互作、植物营养和代谢以及植物生物技术等 简单比较分析了国内外的研究侧重点 并特别介绍了 中国科学家的重要研究成果和贡献。 : ; ; 关键词 植物生物学 研究进展 比较 Comparison of the Major Advances on Plant Biology between China Domestic and Abroad Studies in 2008–2013 * CUI Xiao-Feng Molecular Plant Editorial Office, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China Abstract: It is an important period in the rapidly evolving stage of plant biology for the last more than five years (2008–2013). Many important advances in various fields of plant biology have been obtained by both the China domestic and abroad scientists. Particularly, the development of plant biology research in China is re- markable, making gradually inceased contributions to global plant biology. In this review, I summarized the major research advances on seven areas of plant biology in 2008–2013, which are plant genomics, identification of genes controlling major agronormic traits in crop plants, biogenesis of plant hormones and their signaling pathways, small RNAs and epigenetics in plants, plant-microbe interactions, plant nutrients and metabolism, and plant biotechnology. A simple comparison was also given to sh


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