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本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文) (    届) 题 目:外国投资者在中外合资企业中的 非股权优势分析 学 院:_______________________________ 专  业:_______________________________ 班  级:_______________________________ 姓 名:_______________________________ 学 号:_______________________________ 指导老师:_______________________________ 完成日期:_______________________________ 外国投资者在中外合资企业中的非股权优势分析 摘要:近年来,我国在引进FDI的过程中,出现了中外合资企业数量扩张减缓,发生产权普支和独资历化的倾向。本文在概述相关的理信纸研究成果的基础上,分析了外国投资者通过对中外合资企业公司治理结构的设计、技术和品牌控制、合资企业数量控制以及销售区域控制等手段的共同使用,基本上能够实现在控制权不完整条件下对合资企业的实质性控制。作者认为,除资本产权与管理技能外,技术资源优势也是控制权的一个重要来源,并且可能架空资本产权权利。凡此种种,决定了外商独资企业将成为我国引进FDI的主要形式。合资企业正在不可避免地融入国外跨国公司所建立的全球生产体系之中,这一趋势对我国现行的政策体系构成了严峻挑战。[注:字数不超过300个汉字] 关键词:中外合资企业;非股权优势;实质性控制;独资化倾向 [注:3 – 6个关键词] Abstract:In recent years, in the process of introducing FDI into our country, it appears that the Chinese-foreign joint venture’s quantity expansion has been slowing down. And the property right of these enterprises has bee changing and the sole ownership tendency has been turning up. On the basis of the relevant theories and research results, this article analyzes how the transnational investor can basically obtain its substantial control of the joint ventures under the condition of the incomplete domination through the use of governing the design of the management structure of the Chinese –foreign joint ventures, and the technical and the brand control, and the quantity as well as the region control. The anchor believes that, besides the capital property right and the management skill, the technological resource superiority is also an important origin of domination, and it can possibly make capital property right lose its domination. All these have decided that the foreign sole-source investment enterprise is becoming the main form of introducing FDI. The joint venture is inevitably becoming a part of the global production system that the overseas multinational establishes, and this tendency constitutes a stern challenge to our country’s present policy system. Key Words:


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