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服务贸易开放的国际比较及我国的对策 服务贸易开放的国际比较及我国的对策 沈明其 ( 安徽财经大学 国际经济贸易系, 安徽 蚌埠 233041) : 随着国际服务贸易的发 及其在国际贸易中的比重日益上升, 世界各国纷纷加强了对服务贸易的研究 服务贸易自由化与对外开放是一 个问题的两 个方面, 自由化是就全球而言, 对外开放是站在一国的角度开放本 国的市场, 增加竞争本文针对我国服务贸易开放中存在的问题进行分析并提出相关的对策建议 : 服务业; 服务贸易; GAT S; 市场准入 : F719 : A : 1002- 9753( 2004) 07- 0013- 06 An International Comparative Study of Openness of Service Trade and the Countermeasure of Our Government SHEN M ing- qi (International Economics and Trade College, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu 233041, China) Abstract: Servi e trade is now attra ting extensive attention nowadays in most ountries a ross the w orld be ause of its in reasing important role and ratio in international trade Turning servi e trade into a free trade and opening up Chi nese market to the outside w orld are two aspe ts to one single problem Liberalizat ion in trade is w hat t he system of free trade would require of a ountry, w hereas the opening up of domesti market to the outside world is the poli y of nat ional government for the purpose of speeding up ompetition T o solve the problem in the openings up of Servi e Trade in China, w e arrie on analysis and put forw ard the related Countermeasure Key words:the servi ing business; servi e trade; GAT S; market WT O 2000 , 1999 ( 一) 从服务贸易收支看服务业总体国际竞争力 5 , , 188% 76%569%57% 48% ; , 2% , 14 , [ 2] , , 1997 1 1997- 2001( :) 200 1( 1) , 5 , 1999 1997 3030832



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