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20 10 5 ( 140 )
苗丽霞 王文斌
: 本研究基于 N ation 的词汇知识类型分类框架, 以 3 组不同英语水平的大学 为受试, 考察了 6 个高频
多义词词义知识的共时及历时发展特征研究发现: 词义知识在接受和产出两 个维度上的掌握程度差距较
大, 接受性知识显著好于产出性知识; 多义词各义项的习得率不均衡, 在接受与产出两 个维度上的首要习得义
项多为核心义项或最高频义项; 受试的词义知识发展不均衡, 有些测试词的词义知识与语言水平同步增长, 而
: 大学 ; 多义词; 词义; 发展
A bstrac t: W ith in N ations descr iptive fram ew ork of w ord know ledge typ es, th is study investigates how the m ean ing
sen ses of 6 polysemou s w o rds w ith h igh frequency a re acqu ired receptively and produc tive ly by co llege stu dents at
three different prof iciency leve ls T he stu dy presents the m ajo r f indings as fo llow s ( 1 ) Synchronica lly, there is a
larg e g ap be wt een the subjectsreceptive and produ ctive know ledg e of the m ean ing sen ses of the tested w ords, w ith
the receptive know ledge sign ifican tly m ore pro found than the produ ctive know ledge T he m ean ing sen ses of the po lyse
m ou s w ords are not even ly acqu ired, w ith the core sen se o r the m ost frequent sen se best acqu ired both receptive ly and
produ ctive ly ( 2) D iachron ica lly, the sub jectsknow ledge o f the m eaning sen ses of the 6 tested w ords does not
increase evenly T he know ledge o f som e tested w ords keeps p ace w ith the pro fic iency leve l of the sub jec ts, w h ile the
know ledge of o thers develops at a slow rate
K ey w ord s: co llege student; po lysem ou s w o rd; m ean ing sense; grow th
: H 319 : B : 1004 - 5112 ( 2010) 05 - 0058- 10
: ( breadth) , H ow m any w ords do learners
know? ; ( depth) , H ow w e ll do learners know the w ords?