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(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题16 阅读理解(练)(含解析) 阅读理解 A Dining Experiences at Belmond Grand Hotel Europe 【2014届河北省唐山市二模】Delicious cuisine is paired with excellent musical entertainment at Belmond Grand Hotel Europe. TCHAIKOVSKY NIGHT Every Friday, dine in Lobby Bar and be treated to a special musical accompaniment. Enjoy timeless classics from the great Russian composer Tchaikovsky, performed by local dancers and a chamber orchestra. Time: 7 pm - 10 pm Price: RUB 2, 000 per adult RUSSIAN AFTERNOON TEA Take a seat in the Mezzanine Cafe at a table laid out with Imperial Porcelain china.Feast on Borodinsky bread sandwiches with various fillings, hot smoked trout(鳟鱼), delightful mini pirozhki and sweets such as vatrushkas, all accompanied by good, strong tea and light music. Available daily 2 pm - 6 pm, priced at 1800 RUB for two. TAITTINGER CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH Enjoy a wide variety of international dishes and unlimited drinks accompanied by live jazz at LEurope Restaurant every Sunday.A supervised playroom for children is also available. Time: I pm - 4:30 pm Price: RUB 4, 900 per adult; Children: up t0 7 - free / 7 t0 15 - RUBI, 800 / above 16 - full price VODKA EXPERIENCE Available in the Caviar Bar, let our seasoned chef take you through caviar and vodka pairings. You can also take part in cocktail demonstrations, or enjoy vodka-themed treatments at the beauty salon. Available daily 4 pm - 11 pm, priced at RUB 3, 000 for one bottle. .A couple with twins aged 5 dining at LEurope Restaurant should pay at least . A.RUB 14, 400 B.RUB 19, 600 C.RUB 9, 800 D.RUB 3, 600 .Which of the following will be your best choice, if you like classical music? A.Lobby Bar. B.The Mezzanine Caf6. C.Caviar Bar. D.LEurope Restaurant. .Where does this passage probably come from? A.A science fiction. B.A hotel brochure. C.A recipe book. D.A geography textbook. B 【2014届河北省衡水中学一模】Every day we are adding more and more vacation i



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