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GRE阅读高频词汇(Barron,13th) 与阅读讲义高频词汇相似度90%,仅供参考。 词汇 词性 中文解释 英文解释 造句 abate V. /减弱,减少/subside; decrease, lessen. Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate. abatement, N. aberrant N. /不正常的/abnormal or deviant. Given the aberrant nature of the data, we doubted the validity of the entire experiment. also N. abeyance N. /悬而未决/suspended action. The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival. abscond V. /隐匿,逃避,躲债/depart secretly and hide. The teller who absconded with the bonds went uncaptured until someone recognized him from his photograph on Americas Most Wanted. abstemious ADJ. /节制(饮食),调节/sparing in eating and drinking; temperate. Concerned whether her vegetarian sons abstemious diet provided him with sufficient protein, the worried mother pressed food on him. admonish V. /警告,训斥/warn; reprove. He admonished his listeners to change their wicked ways. admonition, N. adulterate V. /掺杂/make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances. It is a crime to adulterate foods without informing the buyer; when consumers learned that Beech-Nut had adulterated their apple juice by mixing it with water, they protested vigorously. aesthetic ADJ. /审美的/artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful. The beauty of Tiffanys stained glass appealed to Esthers aesthetic sense. aesthete, N. aggregate V. /收集,聚集/gather; accumulate. Before the Wall Street scandals, dealers in so-called junk bonds managed to aggregate great wealth in short periods of time. aggregation, N. alacrity N. /欢快的情绪/cheerful promptness. Phil and Dave were raring to get off to the mountains; they packed up their ski gear and climbed into the van with alacrity. alleviate V. /解脱,释放,释然/relieve. This should alleviate the pain; if it does not, we shall have to use stronger drugs. amalgamate V. /结合,整合/combine; unite in one body. The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into one national body. ambiguous ADJ. /模棱两可/unclear


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