外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 5.ppt

外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 5.ppt

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Section 3: Specimen Letters counter-offer v. n. 还盘,还价 Examples: The price you counter-offer is not in line with the prevailing market. 你方还盘价格与市场价不符。 We are sorry to tell you that we can not accept your counter-offer. 非常抱歉地告诉你方,我方不能接受你方还价。 Company Logo Section 3: Specimen Letters keen competition 激烈的竞争 Examples: keen 用于商业信函中,常见表达有: keen interest 强烈的兴趣 keen price 薄利的价格,低价 Company Logo Section 3: Specimen Letters Letter 5.3 这是一封由出口商写的接受还盘的信函 Dear Sirs, We have received your offer of April 15 and regret that you have turned down our counteroffer. (表达遗憾对方没能接受还盘) As we are in urgent need of the goods and anxious to conclude the business with you, we have made our every effort to persuade our client to accept your offer of $32.00 per piece. Fortunately, our customer in Vancouver has changed his mind and approached us again with an order for 4 000 Company Logo Section 3: Specimen Letters dozen of the above goods on your terms.(本段主要解释接受还盘的理由 ) We are very pleased to have been able to finalize this initial business with you after protracted exchange of correspondence, and look forward to your sales contract, upon receipt of which, we will open the relative L/C without delay.(表达互惠合作的愿望) Yours faithfully, (Signature) Company Logo Section 3: Specimen Letters turn down v. 拒绝,回绝 Examples: They turned town his proposal. 他们拒绝了他的提议。 He tried to join the army but was turned down because of poor health. 他想参军,但因身体不好被拒绝。 Company Logo conclude the business 达成交易 也可用 close business, come to terms, come to business. Examples: We are glad to have concluded this transaction with you. 我们很高兴和你们达成了这笔交易。 Company Logo Section 3: Specimen Letters Finalize v. 完成,达成 Examples: finalize the business = c


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