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毕 业 论 文 题目: 网络时代的司法管辖权冲突问题研究 (英文): In the era of network jurisdiction conflicts of rights 院 别: 政法学院 专 业: 法学 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 日 期: 2013年5月 网络时代的司法管辖权冲突问题研究 摘要 当今社会正日益迈进信息时代,信息技术全方位、多角度冲击着社会生活各个层面,深刻地影响着全球政治、经济、法律、文化以及人们的生活。法律是对社会生活的反映。信息技术的发展对民事诉讼理论与实践提出了前所未有的挑战和机遇,极大地改变了、改变着民事诉讼的程序运作乃至基本的程序原则,并将以加速度继续对民事诉讼产生深远影响。在网络环境下,人们之间的跨国交往变的极为容易,足不出户,就可以到国外购物;坐在家中敲一敲键盘,就可以影响到世界上最遥远的角落。全球化越来越真切地出现在人们的面前,地球上所有的人正在迅速的靠拢,整个世界正在变为一个小村庄。 然而网络是虚拟的、全球性的,人们很难知道做出网上行为的行为主体的真实身份是谁,也很难确定行为主体在何地方实施的行为?在网络空间里,人们很难再利用司法管辖权根据,利用各种连接点确定管辖,给传统的司法管辖带来了空前的挑战。 关键词:互联网;网络时代;司法管辖权 In the era of network jurisdiction conflicts of rights Abstract Todays society has entered the information age, information technology all-round, multi-angle impact on all aspects of social life, profound impact on global politics, economy, law, culture and peoples life. Todays society has entered the information age, information technology all-round, multi-angle impact on all aspects of social life, profound impact on global politics, economy, law, culture and peoples life. Law is the reflection of social life. The development of information technology put forward hitherto unknown opportunities and challenges to the theory and practice of civil procedure, have greatly changed, changing the civil action procedure and basic principle of the program, and will continue to have a profound impact on the acceleration of civil litigation. In the network environment, multinational exchanges between the people become very easy, remain within doors, can go to the shopping abroad; sit in the home to knock the keyboard, you can influence to the remotest corners of the world Globalization more and more clearly appears in front of people, all people on earth is rapidly approaching, the whole world is becoming a village. However, the network is virtual, global, it is difficult t



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