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分类号 TG/TH12 学号 2010022520 学校代码 13535 密级 内部 毕业设计说明书 圆筒拉伸设备设计 学位申请人 : 学科专业 : 机械设计制造及其自动化 指导教师 : 答辩日期 : 二〇一四年五月二十四日 摘 要 冲压是一种先进的金属加工方式,它是建立在金属塑性变形的基础上,使用模具和冲压设备对板料金属进行加工,从而得到所需要的零件形状和尺寸。冲压具备生产率高、产品尺寸精度稳定、操作简单、加工成本低、材料利用率高、容易实现机械化和自动化等一系列优点,特别适合于大量生产。本文首先论叙了我国目前冲压模具制造技术发展现状以及发展趋势。正文主要是根据零件的生产技术要求,设计了相应的模具。因为板料、设备和模具是构成冲压加工的三个必要因素,此三要素是冲压所必要的硬件条件,再通过人们的对他们在有机地协调,包括进行合理的工艺性设计、计算以有效的组织管理。 内容主要包括:拉深原理分析、拉深工艺分析、模具结构的设计计算。在设计中充分利用了计算机辅助设计(CAD/CAM):用AutoCAD2007绘制了所有零件图和装配图。在整个设计过程中,分性零件加工工艺和模具的设计是同样的重要,同时模具是为实际生产所服务,所以,设计出来的模具结构不但要可行,即达到预期目的,而且要让工人操作起来简单方便,另外还要尽量少花钱,即经济性。模具零件材料则大多取用常用材料,以减少成本。该模具易于制造,可在普通冲床上使用,适合在生产中推广应用。 关键词:模具;冲压;拉深;结构设计 Abstract Stamping is a kind of advanced metal processing method, it establishes on the metal foundation with deformed plasticity , processes using mould and stamping equipment for board material metal in order to get the element shape and size needed. It is been productivity high that stamping has , product size precision stabilize and operate simple , finished cost low , overall material utilization factor high, easy realization a series of advantages such as mechanization and automation, suit plenty of productions especially. This text talks about our country pressing molding tool manufacturing technical present condition and the development trends currently. This article is mainly according to the requirements of the parts production technology, design the corresponding mold. Because board material, equipment and mould are the 3 necessary factors that form stamping processing , 3 this essential factors is stamping the hardware condition of place necessity, know again surpass Men for them in coordinate organicly, include carrying out reasonable technology design and calculation so as effective organization manages. Which content includes mainly :The priciple analysis of Drawing ,the technical analysis for Drawing ,design and calculate for the die structur



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