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( ) # 11 0# Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Un iversity(M edical Science) Vol. 26 No. 10 Oct. 2006 = 0258- 58 8( 2006) 10- 11 0- 03 # 综 述# ( , 200080) = , , , + + T ( CD4 CD8 T)( / + )( CD8 T) = ; ; ; = R744. 51 = A Pathogenesis ofM ultiple Sclerosis ZHU Xiao-ying review er ZHAO Yong-bo reviser (Departm ent of N eurology, TheFirstPeop le. sH osp ital, ShanghaiJiaotong University, Shanghai 200080, hina) Abstract: Mu ltip le sclerosis is a demyelinative d isease of central nervous system. Current researches come to the conclusion that it is a k ind of automi mune pathogenesisw ith the exact causes andmechanisms unknow n. The inflam- + + matory reaction induced by T cells ( both CD4 and CD8 T cells) has been presumed to play a key role in in itiating + the d isease, w hile the innate(m icroglia/m acrophages) and adaptive( CD8 T cells and antibody) mi mune component may havemore associationw ith recurrence or persistence of the disease process. This article ami s to review the recent find ings in pathogenesis of mu ltiple sclerosis. Key wor s: mu ltiple sclerosis; oligodendrocytes; myelin; automi mune ( mu ltiple sclerosis, M S) T CNS, ( central nervous system, CNS), , : T, T ( blood-brain barrier, TB BBB) CNS, T , MS ( EBHHV-6) CNS (M BP), T BBB +


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