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20 10 2 19 : 2009年 12月 28~ 30 日, / 中国聚落考古的理论与实践) ) ) 纪念新砦遗址发掘 30 周年 学术研讨会0 在河 新密举行来自全国 15 个省市的90多位专家学者参加了会议与会代表紧紧 围绕新发现与新思考聚落考古 个案研究新砦期文化遗存研究聚落考古理论方法探讨四个会议主 题展开了热烈讨论, 取得了丰硕的成果呈蒙主办方慨允, 本刊选登三篇会议论文, 以飨读者 关于聚落考古的方法问题 严文明 ( , 10087 1) Abs tract: Settlem ent archeo logy studies the spec i ic shape and social patterns o the settlem ent and ur- ther researches the deve lopm ent track o soc ial pa tterns by the evolution o sett lem ent pa tterns1 To ach ieve be-t ter resu lts, settlem ent archaeo logy o ten need be com bined w ith env ironm ental archaeo logy1 Se tt lem en t pattern is not on ly the site patterns1W hen the settlem ent patterns are no undam ental change, the soc ia l outlook or or- ganizational structure should also be no undam ental change1 Som e sett lem ents ruins preserved better no t only can be d iv ided in to variou s unctional areas, but also be learned m ore about linkages during the unctional are- as and the sing le bu ild ings so that the soc iety try to be rebuilt1 W e are di icu lt to ach ieve their goa ls just based on the stratigraph ic relations and cu ltural phases, and need introduce the concept o the ground and try to reveal the com plete sur ace1 T he purpose o settlem ent survey not only learns that i the sites ex ist, or w hich cu ltural periods the art icles in the site belong to1 A ccord ing to the requirem ents o the settlem ent archaeo logy, w e at least know that the settlem ent site is a sing le culture phase, or is the settlem ent w ith several d i erent ar- eas o the settlem ent period1 K ey w ord s: settlem ent archeo logy; settlem ent pa tterns; m eans; archaeological invest igat ion : 所谓聚落考古, 就是以聚落为对象, 研究其具体形态及其所反映的社会形态, 进而研究 聚落形态


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