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On Writing Notes and Emails 2 Thank-You Letters 6 The Letter of Complaint and Its Reply 12 Letters to Pen Friends 18 Letters of Inquiry or Request 22 Letters of Apology 27 Letters of Congratulation or Commiseration 31 Letters of Invitation 36 Letters of Acceptance and Refusal 42 Letters to the Editor 47 Résumé Writing (1) 51 Résumé Writing (2) 55 Cover Letters 59 Personal Statement 65 Report 68 Abstract 73 Summary 78 Essays(1): Narration and Description 80 Essay (2): Exposition 84 Essay (3):Argumentation 90 Notes and Emails 英文便条是一种简单的书信,内容简短,大多是临时性的留言、要求等,具有用途广泛、形式简单、文字要求不严格等特点。 当有急事需告诉对方而又不能面谈时就可以写便条,如留言条、请假条等。便条的语言可以是正式的,也可以是非正式的, 通常上下级之间和同事之间的便条语言较为正式, 例如: Dear Bob, I understand that youre on duty tomorrow night from 5 till midnight. I wonder if it would be possible for you to do my duty next Thursday if I work your duty tomorrow. A friend is visiting next Thursday and Id be most grateful if a swap could be arranged. Peter Carl 而家人之间和朋友之间的便条语言较随意。电话留言也是常见便条之一,例如: Betty, Cathy called and said shed bring the books over around 9 this evening. Said no need to call back. Tony 从上面的例子可以看出,便条语言最明显的特征是言简意赅,在不影响意思表达的基础上可以使用不完整的句子,如在Note 2中用Said no need to call back来代替She said theres no need to call back。便条不需遵守普通书信的格式,除了要告之的事情外,通常只需便条读者的名字和便条作者的署名即可。 便条不具地址,不通过邮局邮寄。 当前人们普遍采用的电子邮件经常都是便条性质的。电子邮件虽然快捷方便,但缺乏人们在面对面交谈时具备的即时信息交换和信息补充等优点, 所以为了让收件人对邮件内容一目了然,建议: ? 给出邮件主题 ? 避免在邮件开始部分使用代词 ? 必要时简单提及上一封邮件的内容 Email 1 From: Harvey Morris hm@ To: Ying Shen yshen@ Subject: Info required Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 11:52:59 -0300 Dear Ying, I hope you are doing well. I am working on the symposium report and would like to have from you, if you have them, the following documents: 1) Word version of the symposium program and 2) Participant list of the symposium. Thanks! Harvey Email 2 Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 19:30:21 +0800 (CST) From: Coni Shear conish@ Subject: Left behind items To: Ying Shen yshen@ Hello, Ying, Once again I would like to thank you for a wonderful symposium. We had a wonderf



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