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中国武装力量的多样化运用 The Diversified Employment of China’s Armed Forces 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Information Office of the State Council, the People’s Republic of China 2013年4月 April 2013, Beijing 目录 Contents 前言 Preface 一、新形势、新挑战、新使命 I. New Situation, New Challenges and New Missions 二、武装力量建设与发展 II. Building and Development of China’s Armed Forces 三、捍卫国家主权、安全、领土完整 III. Defending National Sovereignty, Security and Territorial Integrity 四、保障国家经济社会发展 IV. Supporting National Economic and Social Development 五、维护世界和平和地区稳定 V. Safeguarding World Peace and Regional Stability 结束语 Conclusion 附录 Appendices 前言 Preface 当今时代,和平与发展面临新的机遇和挑战。紧紧把握机遇,共同应对挑战,合作维护安全,携手实现发展,是时代赋予各国人民的历史使命。 In today’s world, peace and development are facing new opportunities and challenges. It is a historic mission entrusted by the era to people of all nations to firmly grasp the opportunities, jointly meet the challenges, cooperatively maintain security and collectively achieve development. 走和平发展道路,是中国坚定不移的国家意志和战略抉择。中国始终不渝奉行独立自主的和平外交政策和防御性国防政策,反对各种形式的霸权主义和强权政治,不干涉别国内政,永远不争霸,永远不称霸,永远不搞军事扩张。中国倡导互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观,寻求实现综合安全、共同安全、合作安全。 It is China’s unshakable national commitment and strategic choice to take the road of peaceful development. China unswervingly pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature. China opposes any form of hegemonism or power politics, and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. China will never seek hegemony or behave in a hegemonic manner, nor will it engage in military expansion. China advocates a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination, and pursues comprehensive security, common security and cooperative security. 建设与中国国际地位相称、与国家安全和发展利益相适应的巩固国防和强大军队,是中国现代化建设的战略任务,也是中国实现和平发展的坚强保障。中国武装力量适应国家发展战略和安全战略的新要求,坚持科学发展观的指导思想地位,加快转变战斗力生成模式,构建中国特色现代军事力量体系,与时俱进加强军事战略指导,拓展武装力量运用方式,为国家发展提供安全保障和战略支撑,为维护世界和平和地区稳定作出应有贡献。 It is a strategic task of China’s m


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