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  商务实用口语——对索赔要求的回应(2)      1.Since the damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company, you should claim on it for recovery of the loss.      货物的损不既然是货运公司因野蛮装卸造成的,所以贵方应该向它索赔你们的损失。      2.You should claim compensation from the shipping company instead of the sellers.      贵方应向货运公司提出索赔,而不应该是向卖方索赔。      3.We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation, but not the amount you claimed.      我方准备向贵方作出合理的赔偿,但不是贵方所要求的赔偿额。      4.The shortage you claimed might have occurred in the course of transit, which is out of our control.      贵方所提出的货物短缺可能是在运输过程中发生的,这是我们所无法控制的。      5.The shipping documents can prove that the goods, when shipped, were in perfect condition. They must have been damaged en route.      货运单据表明,货物在装运时是完好无损的,所以说,货物的受员一定是在途中发生的。      6.Your proposal to settle the claim is satisfactory. We’ll take it.      你关关于解决索赔的建议令人满意,我们接受了。      7.It seems we shall not be held liable for the shortage.      我方似乎不应该对短缺负责。      8.The damage to the machine-tools occurred in transit, so you should make a claim on the insurance company.      机床的损坏是在转运中发生的,所以贵方应该向保险公司提出索赔。      9.I’m sorry to hear that. I think after we make an investigation of the matter, we’ll consider the allowance. Is it OK?    我很遗憾听到这件事,我想待我方调查此事后,再考虑赔偿,好吗?     0.I’ll try to find out why the shirts we sent you are a smaller size and inform you of the result as soon as possible.      我会查清楚为什么发给你们的衬衫会小一号,并尽快告诉你们结果。 .You should claim compensation from the insurance company.      贵方应该向保险公司提出索赔。      A thorough examination showed that the broken bags were due to improper packing, for which the suppliers should be held responsible. 在彻底的商检之后发现包装袋的破损是由于包装不当引起的,供货商应对此负责。     .As the shipping company is liable for the damage, your claim for compensation should, in our opinion, be referred to them for settlement.      鉴于货运公司应对这次损失负责,我方的意见是,你们应该向他们提出索赔来解决问题。      .The claim should be referred to the insurance company. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for it.      这项索赔属保险公司责任范围,我们不能对此负责。      .Y


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