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初中英语写作复习研讨课教学活动设计 乌鲁木齐市第68中学 李倩 How to correct Junior English compositions Teaching Aims: Enable the students to talk about how to correct English compositions. Enable the students to improve their writing skills and learn to write English compositions very well. Teaching Aids: A set of multi-media / A blackboard. Teaching Procedures: Step I. Give a composition that has many mistakes a score. Step II. If the composition is written by you, what shall we do with the composition before it is handed in? ( The title : correct the compositions) Step III. Present some wrong sentences, and correct them with the whole class. Sum up six kinds of wrong sentences and remind students to pay attention to them when they write the English composition. Step IV. Let me try. Let you try. Let us try. Correct the composition that has been presented together. Step V. Present another composition that has many mistakes in it. Have a competition and see which group uses the shortest time to find the mistakes and correct them. Step VI. How to write a good composition StepVII. Give students a title. After they finish it ,they can exchange their compositions and correct them. Step VIII. Summary and Homework 1. Finish writing this letter to Miss Li. 2. Exchange your compositions and correct them. PPT展示: Appendix I Underline the mistakes in the following compositions and correct them. 1. Saturday Mar3,2005 Sunny Today is Saturday. I get up at 6:45 this morning. I had a quickly breakfast and then went to school in a hurry, but we no classes on Saturday. Then I telephoned some classmate and ask them to have a picnic. They were very pleasing. We were got to the park and enjoyed ourselves. At about 5:00 in the afternoon, we by bus to home. I am too tired, but I’ll go to bed early. 2. Bicycle are still popular on the streets in Beijing. It’s easy to by bike go to school or go to work. Now more and more people plans to buy cars instead of bike


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