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1.(2008·山东)Would it be________for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport? A.free          B.vacant C.handy D.convenient 【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。convenient方便的,便利的,表示“某人方便做某事”常用“It is convenient for sb.to do sth.”;free自由的,免费的;vacant空的,未被占用的;handy手边的。句意为:你四点的时候接我去机场方便吗?根据题意,D项正确。词义辨析类题目在高考中呈上升趋势,复习中要特别注意同义词、近义词及形近词在意义和用法上的区别,结合语境体会其不同的语义。 【答案】 D 2.In recent years,a series of landmark buildings which are________by international architects have been set up in Shanghai. A.made B.designed C.built D.constructed 【解析】 design 设计;construct 建设;建造 【答案】 B 3.(2009·安徽皖南)Tasting________,this kind of fried chicken sells________. A.well;good B.to be good;well C.good;well D.to be well;good 【解析】 taste/sound/look/feel/smell这几个表感觉的动词后跟形容词作表语;而普通的动词要用副词来修饰。 【答案】 C 4.(2010·河南郑州一中)Tom,lets go to the nature park newly opened. I believe the beauty of nature there will make a wonderful________upon you. A.experience B.impression C.expression D.difference 【解析】 make a wonderful impression on sb. 给某人留下好印象 【答案】 B 5.(2006·北京)I cant stand ________with Jane in the same office .She just refuses ________taking while she works. A.working;stopping B.to work;stopping C.working;to stop D.to work ;to stop 【解析】 stand doing sth.容忍做某事;refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事。句意为“我不能容忍跟珍妮一个办公室工作,她工作时总是喋喋不休”。 【答案】 C 6.(2008·山东)Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he ________his own work and translated it into German. A.gave off B.turned down C.took over D.set aside 【解析】 give off发出(光、热等);turn down调低;拒绝;take over 掌管,负责;set aside把……放在一边。由句意可知D项正确。 【答案】 D 7.(2009·重庆)Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future ________to the well educated. A.belongs B.is belonged C.is belonging D.will be belonged 【解析】 句意:Williams 教授不断告诉他的学生们未来属于受过良好教育的人。belong to 没有被动形式,故B和D两项被排除;C项现在进行时不符合句意,故A项正确。 【答案】 A 1.A nest is to a bird what_a_house_is_to_a_man. 鸟巢之于鸟就如同房子之于人一样。 1)该句为固定句式,what看作连接代词,引起表语从句。主句往往是语义的重点,而从句表达熟知的内容。 2)“A对B而言正如C对D一样”的句型常有下列几种结构: A is to B what C is to D. =A


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