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?温馨提示 generally speaking 中的分词 speaking 的逻辑主语不是句中的主语,表泛指。 类似:judging from (by)...从……判断,considering...考虑到……,taking...into consideration 考虑到……,supposing...假设…… Considering everything, it wasnt a bad holiday. 考虑到各处情况,这次假日过得不错。 Supposing_(that)he doesnt come, what shall we do?如果他不来,我们怎么办? 8.consist of(be made up of)由……组成,由……构成,包括 1)consist of=be made up of  由……组成 2)consist in 在于,存于于 3)lie in 存在,在于 ①The United Kingdom consists of/is_made_up_of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 联合王国是由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成的。 ②Happiness consists in appreciating what you have. 幸福在于欣赏你所拥有的东西。 9.make the most of充分利用;极为重视 make use of    利用 make good use of  好好利用 take advantage of sth.  好好利用某物 take advantage of sb. 不正当地利用某人以达到个人目的 take full advantage of  充分利用 ①Charming and friendly,she will help you_make_the_most_of your visit. 她很可爱,又很随和,会帮助你充分利用这次访问机会的。 ②He made_use_of his free time to learn French. 他利用闲暇时间学法语。 ③We took_advantage_of the fine weather to go swimming.我们利用晴朗的天气去游泳。 ?温馨提示 make the most of短语是由动词+名词+介词构成的,这类短语在考查时常把名词作为句子的主语,即用被动语态或把名词作为先行词,后接一个定语从句。 1.The railways were once privately owned,but are now under________control. A.nation      B.country C.state D.land 【解析】 state在这里侧重政权、政体,即铁路被国家政权掌控。 【答案】 C 2.(2009·湖北)Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request ________ a question. A. in search of B. in the form of C. in need of D. in the direction of 【解析】 in search of“寻找”;in the form of“以……的方式”;in need of“需要”;in the direction of“朝……方向”。句意为“如果你以问题的形式来提出要求就会听起来有礼貌得多”,故答案选B。 【答案】 B 3.(2010·哈三中)________from media reports, the result has been unclear. A.To judge B.Having judged C.Judging D.Judged 【解析】 句意:从媒体报道来看,此项结果一直很模糊。Judging from(从……判断)为悬垂分词,无论与主句主语是主动关系,还是被动关系,都只能用judging from形式。 【答案】 C 4.(2010·江苏扬州)________ in gardening and volunteering work, Mrs. Black leads a busy and rich life at her old age. A.Employing B.Employed C.To employ D.Being employed 【解析】 be employed in doing sth.忙于做…,分词作状语表原因。 【答案】 B 5.(2010·河南郑州)We shou


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