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1.Effective measures should be taken to________the city from pollution. A.prevent     B.defend C.ensure D.keep 【解析】 ensure...from...sth.保护……免受。 【答案】 C 2.(2009·四川)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ________ until the plane has come to a complete stop. A. seated B. seating C. to seat D. seat 【解析】 seated是一个常用于系表结构中的词,这里的remain是连系动词,故选A。 【答案】 A 3.(2009·宁夏模拟)—Has the doctor ________ her illness? —No, he ________ her but didnt ________ her. A.cured; treated; treat B.cured; cured; treat C.treated the old woman for; treated; cure D.cured the old woman of; treated; cure 【解析】 句意为:——医生治好那位老妇人的病了吗?——没有,医生给她治了,但没治好。表达治某人的病,可用cure sb.of illness或treat sb.for illness,C、D都可以,但cure强调结果,而treat只强调过程,故选D。 【答案】 D 4.(2007·上海)________in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account. A.What is required B.What requires C.It is required D.It requires 【解析】 题中的that从句为主语从句,所以应用it作形式主语,代替后面的that从句,而且that从句的内容与require构成被动关系,故C项正确。句意:章程中要求你不应该把你的邮件帐号密码告诉他人。 【答案】 C 5.(2009·河南辉县)________ Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, ________ distance from Marathon to Athens. A.The; the B./; a C.An; a D./; the 【解析】 第一空为专有名词,应用特指,第二空指从Marathon到Athens之间的距离,应加the,故选A项。 【答案】 A 6.(2009·河北检测)Please telephone me every few days, and in that way we can ________ each other. A.make friends with B.keep in touch with C.get in touch with D.lose touch with 【解析】 every few days表示“每隔几天”,为时间段,而A、C、D只与时间点连用。本句句意:你可以每隔几天打电话给我,那样的话,我们可以彼此保持联系。keep in touch with强调状态,而get in touch with 强调动作。 【答案】 B 7.(2006·江西)It is said that dogs will keep you ________ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. A.safety B.company C.house D.friend 【解析】 本题考查短语keep pany意为“陪伴某人,给某人做伴”。 【答案】 B TheInternetalsomakes_it_easier_for_companies_to_keep_in_touch_with customers and companies in other countries.互联网也使得公司可以和客户及国外的公司更容易地保持联系。 句中“make+it+宾语补足语+宾语”为一常见结构,其中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语多因较长而置于宾语补足语之后,真正的宾语可以是动词不定式、动名词、宾语从句等。类似用法的动词还有:feel/find/think/consider/like等。 ①I th


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