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5.Share prices on the Stock Exchange went down sharply in the morning but________slightly in the afternoon. A.recovered B.restored C.regained D.remained 【解析】 recover恢复。句意为:股市的股价早上暴跌,下午又略有回升。restore=regain“恢复”,但这两个词均为及物动词;remain保持,待在,与句意不符。 【答案】 A 6.(2008·湖北)In modern times, people have to learn to________all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life. A. keep with B. stay with C. meet with D. live with 【解析】 句意为“在现代社会,人们尽管过着舒适的生活,但他们还得学会忍受各种各样的压力”。live with在此意为“忍受”。 【答案】 D 7.I have no desire other than to lead a quiet life, ________ from anxiety. A.absent B.separate C.free D.short 【解析】 考查free from搭配。absent from缺席,不在;separate from和……分离开,和……分散;short不和from搭配;free from无……的,免于……,摆脱……。句意:我没有其他愿望,只想无忧无虑地过平静的生活。根据句意,C项合适。 【答案】 C 1.I wish I could remember more about my mum...我希望能记得母亲更多的情况…… wish后接宾语从句,从句多用虚拟语气来表示不能实现的愿望,常译作“但愿……”;“要是……就好了”。 wish+ ①I wish I were a bird flying in the sky. 我真希望自己是一只在天空飞翔的小鸟。 ②I wish you could go there with me.我希望你能和我一块去那里。 ③He wishes he had not lost the chance.他真希望没有失去机会。 ④I wish you would come soon.但愿你很快来。 2.情景交际 1)表达支持或反对意见: I think that..., because... One reason is that... Perhaps, but what if/about...? If I were you, I would... 2)描述虚拟情景: If we were to..., we would... ...as if... If I were you, I would... 1.(2010·河北唐山)-The journalist is a wise person. -So he is.How I wish I________his wisdom! A.have B.would have C.had D.had had 【解析】 考查wish所带宾语从句中虚拟语气的构成形式。答语意为:他确实是个英明的人。要是我有他的智慧该多好啊!在表示现在遗憾现在存在的状态时,wish所带宾语从句中的谓语动词用过去式,遇到be动词时,不论主语人称,谓语一般都用were。 【答案】 C 2.(2010·海南实验中学)He ________ me a hand, but he didnt. A.should lend B.had lent C.should have lent D.hadnt lend 【解析】 考查虚拟语气。句意为:“他本来应该帮我的,但他没有。”should have done表示“本来应该干,(但是没有干)”。 【答案】 C 课内基础·落实 Ⅰ.词语填空 keep in mind, spit out, mistake for, deal with, break down,cheer up,free from, (a)lack of,burn down,drown 1. He saved the boy________in the river. 2. The building was________to the ground in the big fire. 3. You had better________the school



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