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John Snow defeats “King Cholera “ He was born and worked as a doctor in Great Britain . He was originally an anaesthetist (麻醉师),which means that he put people to sleep during operations .He also began to experiment using the same drugs to help women when they had babies . Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium (细菌)called Vibrio(弧菌,一种S形霍乱菌) cholera. It infects people’s intestines(肠 ),causing diarrhea (腹泻), vomiting (呕吐)and leg cramps (抽筋). The most common cause of cholera is by someone eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated (污染) 菌 with the bacteria .Cholera can be mild (温和的)or even without symptoms(症状) , but a severe case can lead to death without immediate treatment. If an infected people is given fluids immediately after the first symptoms show up ,the disease can be completely cured .A mixture of sugar and certain salts that the body needs must be mixed with clean water and drunk in large amounts .In order to avoid the cholera ,please eat the food that has been thoroughly cooked and is still hot ,or fruit that you have peeled yourself . Avoid undercooked or raw fish and shellfish . Avoid raw salads and vegetables .Avoid food and drinks from street vendors (小贩). Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research? Discuss in small groups the stages in examining a new scientific idea. Put them in a logical order. Make up a question Find a problem Collect results Think of a method Draw a conclusion Analyse the results Repeat if necessary 1 to show sth that is usually hidden 2 take care, give attention, to be present at 3 to free from pain, worry ,or agitation 4a sudden increase / sudden start of sth 5 to take in and keep heat, light, energy, to take in a liquid ,gas or other substance from the surface or space around 6 extremely bad or serious 7 very useful or important 8 to think or say that sb/sth is responsible for sth bad 9 to tell people sth officially ,esp about a decision 10 to tell sb to do sth, esp in a formal or offici


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