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奥通在线考试网 摘要 利用计算机,使从日常锁碎的中解脱出来,更好的协调,大大的提高了的利用率,使的得以更充分的。要想不仅需要,更重要的是要有一个相当健全的管理制。是典型的信息管理系统其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强数据安全性好的库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能易使用等特点。网络化的今天,,使新的模式成为可能。是一个典型的数据库开发应用程序,由等部分组成。经过分析,我们使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008为开发工具,利用ASP语言,SQL SERVER200为后台数据库完成的开发。 关键字:数据库;SQL SERVER200;;ASP Ao Tong nline Web Test Abstract Paperless exam realized by computers, can make teachers and students get out of complicated test procedures, coordinate test work, improve the benefits of test time, and fulfil teachers and students time efficiently. It is to improve the efficiency, not only by teachers` effects, not only by students` effects, not only by staff`s effects, but also with well-organized management system, but also with Ao Tong Online Web Test. Because Ao Tong Online Web Test is a typical information management system, which develops establishes, and maintains back-stage database by consistency and integrality and Front-Programs easily-used. In cyber world today, Ao Tong Online Test Web has paperless exam achieved possibly. Ao Tong Online Web Test is a typically database applied program, consisting of students information management, teachers information management, paper test information management, categories information management, results information management, administrator information maintaining and so on. By analysis, we use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as a development tool, and ASP language, SQL SERVER 2005 as back-stage data. It is develop based on B/S service mode network have an examination system .We use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and SQL SERVER 2005 to finish the development of Ao Tong Online Web Test. Key words:data base;SQL SERVER2005;Ao Tong Online Web Test;ASP 目录 1 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 课题来源及意义 3 1.3 系统基本达到的目标和结论 3 1.4 开发工具和数据库的选择 4 2 系统需求分析 6 2.1 可行性分析 6 2.1.1 技术可行性 6 2.1.2 经济可行性 7 2.1.3 操作可行性 7 2.1.4 社会可行性 7 2.2 软、硬件配置及设计方法 8 2.2.1 硬件配置 8 2.2.2 设计方法 8 2.2.3 系统规划 9 2.3 系统数据流图的创建 9 2.4 业务流程图 9 2.5 数据字典的创建 11 3 系统概要设


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