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摘要 当今的社会中,混凝土泵已经广泛应用与建筑行业中。它可以实现高空输送和快速持续的输送。与过去的比较起来,混凝土泵可以大大的减少了输送的时间与人的体力。 首先,在分析目前混凝土泵泵送系统的基础上确定了整体的设计方案,选择双缸液压系统作为系统的传动装置。 其次,由泵的单位时间输送量与输送次数,确定系统中的负载。然后根据相关公式算出传动缸、定位缸和输送缸内径尺寸、外径及缸端盖等尺寸,进一步对其进行强度校核。 再次,由系统压力确定各缸活塞及活塞杆尺寸,利用强度理论对其校核。 最后,根据输送时间与换向次数确定各缸的行程,进而确定出液压缸的长度。选择“S”摆管作为输送混凝土装置。采用半圆型夹具对液压缸定位。采用密封圈来防止系统渗漏。 关键词:混凝土泵; 传动缸;定位缸;输送缸 Abstract Nowadays, concrete pump already has extensively been applied in building profession. It can transport to the high place with high speed. Compared to the past, concrete pump can consumedly decrease time of transportation and the persons physical strength. First, the double urn liquid press systems are selected as the transmission equipment, on the basic of analyzing the system of concrete pump. Second, the load of system can be assured by the quantity and the times of transmission on the unit time. Then calculating these sizes of drive-cylinder, positioning-cylinder, and distribution-cylinder, and these covers of them by the formula. And carrying on an examination of strength. Third, assuring these sizes of each piston and piston pole size with the pressure of system, making an examination of strength on them by using strength theories. Final, according to the times of transportation and the time of changing, each route of travel can be ensured. After that ,assuring the length of the liquid press urn .the S tube is selected as delivering concrete and the way of pipeline is selected as conjuncting each component, and the tongs of semicircle type is selected as fixing the position of the urn, and he seal is adopted to keeping system from seeping into. Key word concrete pump drive-cylinder positioning-cylinder distribution-cylinder 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1混凝土输送泵泵车 1 1.1.1混凝土输送泵的应用 1 1.1.2混凝土泵送设备及其发展 1 1.2混凝土泵送技术的发展 2 1.2.1国外混轻土泵送技术的发展概况 2 1.2.2我国混凝土泵的发展 6 2混凝土泵送技术的发展趋势与存在的问题 10 2.1混凝土泵送技术的发展 10 2.1.1国内泵送技术发展技术 10 2.1.2国外泵车发展趋势 10 3混凝土泵的组成与分类 13 3.1混凝土泵基本组成 13 3.2混凝上泵的分类 13 3.3混凝土泵性能参数及名词术语 14 3.3.1混凝土泵性能参数 14 3.3.2混凝土泵(车)名词术


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