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双盘摩擦压力机的设计 摘要:双盘摩擦压力主要特征是飞轮由摩擦机构传动机器的传动链由一级皮带传动、正交圆盘摩擦传动和螺旋滑块机构组成。双盘摩擦压力机结构简单、能量大、噪音低、寿命长、安全可靠、使用维修方便等特点适用于有色及黑色金属的模锻、挤压、切边、弯曲、校正及耐火材料等制品的压制成型等工作,广泛应用于航空、汽车、拖拉机、工具制造、纺织机械不锈钢锅复合底压力焊接领域 全套图纸,加153893706 The design of Double-tray friction press Abstract: The main features of the double-tray friction press is the flywheel drived by friction institutions , and the transmission chain of the machine is made up of a belt transmission, orthogonal disc friction drive and screw slider mechanism. Double-tray friction press has a simple structure, high energy, low noise, long life, safe and reliable, and easy to repair, applicable to non-ferrous and ferrous metal forging, extruding, trimming, bending, corrected, and refractory products of pressing work,and widely used in the aerospace, automotive, tractor, tool manufacturing, textile machinery, and the compound at the end of the stainless steel pot pressure welding and other fields. 21st century manufacturing technology, rapid economic development from the machine is characterized by the traditional age of technology toward the information technology era characterized by the development of information technology to transform and upgrade traditional industries. In recent years, the press market has maintained the growth rate of the rapid development of forms of ownership of the press manufacturing companies also changed dramatically, in addition to state-owned enterprises, collective, joint ventures, wholly-owned and private has been a rapid development. Keywords: Double-tray friction press; Design; Checking 目 录 绪论 1 1. 设计双盘摩擦压力机 1 1.1双盘摩擦压力机的结构特征和工作原理 1 1.1主要零部件特点及其作用 2 2. V带设计及相关计算 3 2.1传动的总体分析 3 2.2电动机的选择 3 2.3 V带的选择 4 3. V带轮的设计 6 3.1对带轮材料的要求 8 3.2常用材料 8 3.3带传动的张紧 8 4. 摩擦副选择 9 4.1 摩擦副传动原理及优点 9 4.2 摩擦轮传动形式 9 4.3 摩擦副材料及润滑 9 4.4 摩擦轮的尺寸初定 10 4.5 飞轮的尺寸初定 10 5. 螺旋副设计 10 5.1 螺旋传动的类型选择 10 5.2 滑动螺旋的和材料 10 5.3 滑动螺旋的设计计算 11 6. 轴的选择 16 6.1 轴的最小直径的初步确定 16 6.2 轴的结构设计 17 6.3 轴的材料选择 17 6.4 轴的相关计算 18 7. 轴承的润滑 23 7.1 圆锥滚子轴承的润滑.............



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