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摘要本说明书为小康三矿1.8Mt/a新井设计说明书,在所收集地质资料的前提下,由指导教师给予指导,并合理运用平时及课堂上积累的知识,查找有关资料,力求设计出一个高产、高效、安全的现代化矿井。通过对地质资料的深入研究,根据煤层的赋存条件和我国现在所能达到的煤炭开采技术水平,初步确定采用立井开拓。 本设计说明书从矿井的开拓、开采、运输、通风、提升及工作面的采煤方法等各个环节进行了详细的叙述,并进行了技术和经济比较,论述了本设计的合理性,完成了毕业设计要求的全部内容。同时说明书中要求图文并茂,使设计的内容更容易被理解、接受。在设计过程中,得到了广大老师的指导和同学的帮助,在此表示感谢。由于设计时间和本人能力有限,难免有错误和疏漏之处,望老师给予批评指正。 关键词:立井开拓; 采煤方法; 矿井通风; 经济指标 ABSTRACT The manual is well-off three mines 1.8Mt / a new well design specification, in the context of geological data collected by the instructor to give guidance and rational use of knowledge accumulated in peacetime and classroom, find relevant information and strive to design a high-yield, efficient and safe modern mine. Through in-depth study of the geological data according to the coal seam occurrence conditions and China is now attainable level of coal mining technology, initially identified using the shaft development. The design specification from the mine development, mining, transport, ventilation, and enhance all aspects of the mining methods such as face were described in detail and the technical and economic comparison discusses the rationality of the design completed graduation All content design requirements. Meanwhile specification requirements illustrations, designed to make content easier to understand and accept. In the design process, has been helping the majority of the teachers guidance and students, to express my gratitude. Due to limited time and my ability to design, it is inevitable that mistakes and omissions, hope the teacher to give criticism. Keywords: Shaft explore; mining methods; mine ventilation; economic indicators 目 录 一般部分 1 矿区概述及井田特征 1 1.1 概述 1 1.1.1 井田位置及范围 1 1.1.2 自然地理 1 1.1.3 交通概况 1 1.2 井田地质特征 2 1.2.1 地层 2 1.2.2 含煤概况 4 1.2.3 水文地质 4 1.3 煤层及煤质特征 4 1.3.1 井田内煤层 4 1.3.2 煤质 5 1.3.3 煤层的含瓦斯性、自燃性、爆炸性 5 2 井田境界及储量 6 2.1 井田境界 6 2.1.1 井田范围 6 2.1.2 边界煤柱留设 6 2.1.3 工业广场保护煤柱留设 6 2.1.4 边界的合理性 6 2.2 井田的储量 7 2.2.1 井田储量的计算原则 7 2.2.2 矿井工业储量 7 2.2.3 矿井煤柱损失 8 2.2.4 矿井的设计储量 8 2.2.5 矿井的设计可采储量 9 3 矿井的


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