Unit 10 Lesson3《Money》Your money课件5(25张PPT)(北师大版必修4).pptVIP

Unit 10 Lesson3《Money》Your money课件5(25张PPT)(北师大版必修4).ppt

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Unit 10 Lesson3《Money》Your money课件5(25张PPT)(北师大版必修4).ppt

Q1:Do you get pocket money from your parents? Q2:What things do you like to spend money on ? How about buying a tree instead? Your can have so much effect? Read the text ( P12 ) Yes All this started with 5 yuan When Less Is More ? Try to guess: What do you think will be talked about in the text? ?? Look at the titles and pictures. Read the paragraph in italics. (斜体字段落) Task 2: Fast reading Read the text fast and match the topics with each paragraph. Reading A successful tree-planting programme and the importance of your 5 yuan. b. Everybody plays an important role in stopping Yellow River erosion. c. It is a huge job to control Yellow River erosion. d. It tells us the cause of Yellow River erosion and bad effects. Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 1. Which river is being talked about in the text? Task 3 : Read and listen to the passage. Answer the questions in Ex.4 on P12. The Yellow River 2. What’ s the problem with the Yellow River? 1. Every year, about ___ billion tons of sand flows into the Yellow River. 2. Over time, the removal of sand has caused serious __________. 1.6 soil erosion 3. In which area has soil erosion almost destroyed farming land? In some areas in Shanxi Province 4. What can people do to help stop soil erosion? Plant trees 5. Why does the writer say 5 yuan is important? Why? Because we can use it to buy a tree, which helps prevent erosion. 6. Which example is given to show that 5 yuan can help to develop a local economy? Jiuchengong Valley Some information about Jiiuchengong Valley   内蒙古九成功村于1997年被列入黄河中上 地重点流域治理和98年生态重点治理流域。经 几年治理,推广植树计划后,原来12.8平方公 的五荒地变成了“林草繁茂有山正绿,沟渠打坝 水皆清,种植、养殖兴旺发展,人与自然和谐 荣”的生态园。在这个优雅环境里,庄园外观 朴,内设舒适典雅,游人在这可垂钓、采摘鲜 娱乐休闲度假,同时体会东胜人民战胜恶劣生 环境的毅力,尽情领略大自然的风光。  ?? 7.Do you know the meaning of the title “when less is more” ?? Chinese is also ok! 积少成多acco


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