Unit6《Design》lesson3 Chinese paper art课件4(29张PPT)(北师大版必修2).ppt

Unit6《Design》lesson3 Chinese paper art课件4(29张PPT)(北师大版必修2).ppt

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Unit6《Design》lesson3 Chinese paper art课件4(29张PPT)(北师大版必修2).ppt

Chinese Paper Art Lesson 3 Unit 6 Design Let’s appreciate some pictures . Which one do you like most? Describe each paper cut in pairs. What meaning can you get from the following paper cuts? Paper Cut of Double Happiness Paper Cuts of the Dragon Paper Cuts of Shengxiao Animals 十二生肖 mouse cow tiger rabbit snake dragon horse goat monkey rooster/cock dog pig Paper Cuts of Shengxiao Animals 十二生肖 Paper Cuts of Various Topics Paper cuts of Chairman Mao Paper Cuts of Various Topics Paper Cuts of Various Topics Paper Cuts of Various Topics Reading Read the article with questions: 1 How many types of paper cuts do people like to make? What are they? 2 How do we know that there is a long tradition of paper- cutting in China? 3 Which Chinese character often appears in wedding paper cut? 4 How is paper-cutting related to fashion? 5 Why is the writer going to see Mr.Chen again? Answers: 1 Three. Paper cut for decoration, for religious purposes and for design patterns . Because paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern Southern Dynasty (386-589). 3 The Chinese character double happiness often appears in wedding paper-cuts. 4 By using paper-cutting like a pattern on clothing or on a jewelry box. 5 Because Mr. Chen could help the write make his/her first paper cut. Grammar Relative Clauses (1) Find these relative pronouns in the text : Who, that, which, whose, whom, Which of them : can refer to people? can refer to things? refer to possession? Look at these expressions from the text: 1.a paper cutting expert (whom) I interviewed 2.something (that) he learned 3.a young farmer who wanted a wife 4.paper cuts which show the Chinese character. 5.parents whose child has recently been born When can we leave out who,whom ,that ,which? a) when it comes before a verb? b)when it comes before a noun or pronoun?



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