Unit 7《The Sea》课件5(48张PPT)(北师大版必修3).ppt

Unit 7《The Sea》课件5(48张PPT)(北师大版必修3).ppt

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Unit 7《The Sea》课件5(48张PPT)(北师大版必修3).ppt

二、地点状语从句 引导词有:where,wherever,everywhere I found the pen where I had left it. 我在原来放笔的地方找到那支笔。 You must be firm,where you think yourself to be right. 你认为自己是对的,你就一定要坚持。 三、原因状语从句 引导词有:because,as,since,now that(既然) because语气最强,是全句最重要部分。 as,since语气较弱,as主从并重,从句说明原因,主句说明结 果,而since常表示显然或已知的理由。 Since everyone is here,let’s start. 既然都到了,我们就开始。 As it was late,I had to go. 不早了,我得走了。 He was scolded because he was late. 因为迟到,他受到了责备。 四、目的状语从句 引导词有:so that,in order that,in case so that/in order that引导目的状语从句时,从句中常接情态动 词may,might,can,could,will,would等。 They set out early so that they might arrive at the station in good time. 他们动身早以便于及时到达车站。 Take your umbrella in case it rains.带把伞以防天下雨。 五、结果状语从句 引导词有:so that,such...that,so...that He spoke so fast that I couldn’t follow him. 他说得快结果我没听懂。 It was such a good day that we all went swimming. 天气很好我们所有人都去游泳了。 六、条件状语从句 引导词有:if,unless,so long as/as long as,only if,in case(万一),on condition that,suppose,supposing, provided,providing等 If you will go,please tell me.要是你愿意去,请告诉我一声。 Suppose he is absent,what shall we do? 倘若他不在,我们该怎么办? 七、方式状语从句 引导词有:as,as if/though I work as others do.我会照别人的样子去做。 He walked as if he were drunk.他走起路来好像喝醉了似的。 八、让步状语从句 引导词有:though,although,as(尽管),even if/even though,whether(无论,不管),while(尽管)no matter+疑问 词等 While they are my neighbours,I don’t know them well. 尽管他们是我的邻居,但我不太了解他们。 Whether he comes or not,we will not go there. 不管他来不来,我们不会去那的。 He didn’t stop working though he was ill. 尽管他病了,但他没有停止工作。 九、比较状语从句 引导词有:as...as;not so/as...as;than;the比较级,the 比 较级。 (1)在as...as句型中,第一个as后用形容词、副词原级;在第一 个as前可加上程度状语quite,almost,nearly,just,three times,



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