Unit7 lesson1《the spirit of exploers》课件28(北师大版必修3)(18张ppt).pptVIP

Unit7 lesson1《the spirit of exploers》课件28(北师大版必修3)(18张ppt).ppt

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Unit7 lesson1《the spirit of exploers》课件28(北师大版必修3)(18张ppt).ppt

Lesson 25 The Spirit of Explorers 维京人的海洋探险 -维京人扩张图 1 The Vikings dominated the seas and coach of Northern Europe between the 8th and 10th centuries AD. 维京人的船是维京文化中重要的组成部分,可以说维京人的一切都与他们的船有密切联系。维京船制造的材料主要取自高大笔直的橡树。维京船分为战船和货船两类。战船较轻,船窄,灵活轻便,又很耐风浪;而货船的船身又高又宽,船体也很重,在波涛汹涌的大海中载重航行时可保持稳定。两类船都有通常所说的弯曲船首,用一整块完整的橡木精雕细刻而成。 The Vikings, the first Europeans who reached America. In 982 AD, when a man called Eric the Red decided to set sail Further west , there were as Many as 10,000 Vikings living in Iceland. a 1 Before learning the text, which of the following do you think arrived in America first ? a) Christopher Columbus b) Ancient Romans c) Chinese d) Vikings 2 Match the words with their explanations Scandinavia a a large island in the North Atlantic Ocean, near North- eastern Canada Greenland b an area of North Europe consisting of Norway, Sweden,Denmaek and Finland Newfoundland c a country in the North Atlantic Iceland d a large island in Eastern Canada b a d c e When Who What How The middle of the ninth century discovered Iceland blown there by a storm Eric the Red Not long after Eric the Red Biarni unknown land blown off course The year 1002 Leif and Biarni Vinland planned the trip Read the passage. Them complete the table below 4 Read the text again and answer the following question a)Why did Eric the Red leave Iceland? He was forced to leave Iceland because he got into trouble for a murder he had committed. b)Who was Biarni looking for when he was blown to an unknown land ? He was looking for his father who was with Eric’s party. c)How do we know about the Vikings ? The Vikings were a group of people who originated from Scandinavia. They dominate the seas and coasts of northern Europe between 8th and 10th centuries AD. Discussion Do you think it m



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