省句容市天王中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Integrated skills学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.docVIP

省句容市天王中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Integrated skills学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc

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省句容市天王中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Integrated skills学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc

Unit7 Integrated skills 【课前导学】 what abilities do you have ,write it down. I can ___________________________________________________________.。 2. 预习单词并根据音标拼读。 3. 在文中画出下列词组并翻译: ⑴进入校排球队 ⑵努力学习功课 ⑶地理上粗心 ⑷对中国历史了解很多 ⑸需要多说 ⑹数学学的差 ⑺家长会 ⑻在十八岁时 【课堂学习】 StepⅠFree talk Talk with students about the different abilities they have. StepⅡPresentation 1. Present a picture of Langang to teach some difficult phrases.s StepⅢ Speak up 1.listen and answer. ⑴What can Daniel do? How about Sandy? ________________________________________. ⑵When did Daniel start to play the violin? __________________________________________. ⑶When did Sandy start to play the piano? ________________________________________________. 2.Read in role 3.Make a similar dialouge using the pictures given. 4.Act out the dialouges in pairs. StepⅣ Pre-listening present some pictures to lead in listening. StepⅣ While-listening 1.Listen to the tape,finish PartA1. 2.Finish Part A2. 3.Finish partA3. StepⅤ Exercises Do 6 different kinds of exercises. 【课堂练习】 根据首字母及句意写单词。 We will learn Book Eight next t________. Mike has a good m____________. Thanking you for o_____________the trip. He has good g_________ in English. You will know the r__________ of the exam tomorrow. How h__________ is the building? It is d_____________ for him to finish reading the book this evening. ---Can you help me with my homework? ---No p__________. We must do our b_______ to help them. 【课后拓展】 用括号内的动词的适当形式填空 What an unlucky day I had yesterday! Everything________(go) wrong! In the morning I had just________(put) out the washing when it _________(start) to rain, so I had to bring it all in again. Then I ____________(decide) to clean out the chicken cupboard. While I_____________(clean) the top shelf, I __________(lose) my balance and __________(fall) off the chair! Then, as I __________



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