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26  5 2007 5             (See )           Vol. 26 No. 5 M ay.  2007 1, 2 2, 3 2 2 2 1              (1. ,   410128; 2. ,   550100; 3. ,   410128) :以红肉火龙果、粉红肉火龙果、白肉火龙果 3 个火龙果品系种子为试验材料, 进行火龙果种子萌发特性研究。结果 表明:基因 不同, 火龙果种子的萌发率不同。白肉火龙果种子发芽率最高, 为 93. 3%, 但萌发不整齐, 发芽势仅 16. 0%, 不同基因 火龙果种子的最高和最低发芽势相差 57. 3%, 活力指数相差 45. 79%。粉红肉火龙果种子活力最 强, 红肉火龙果种子次之, 白肉火龙果种子最弱。 : ;; : Q949. 759. 9   : A   :1001-4705(2007)05-0016-04 Stu y on Germ ination Characteristics of P itaya See s 1, 2 2, 3 2 2 2 1 WANG Bin , ZHENGW ei , CAIYong-qiang, JIN J-i fen, LIXing-zhong, XIE Shen-xi (1. College ofHorticu lture an Lan scape, HunanAgricultu ralUniversity, Changsha 410128, Ch ina; 2. G uizhou C itrus Institute, Luo ian 550100, China; 3. College of Bio-Safety Science an Technology, Hunan Agricu ltural University, Changsha 4 10128, China) Abstract:See s of three P itaya strainsH y locereus p o ly rh izus (W eber)Britt. Rose, H y locereus spp. an Hy locereus unda tus Britt. Rosew ere use as the experimentalmaterials to stu y the germ ination characteris- tics of P itaya see s. The resu lts in icate that ifferent genotype Pitaya strain see s ha ifferent germ ination rate. The germ ination rate ofHy locereu s unda tus Britt. Rose was 93. 3%, the h ighest among three Pitaya strain, but the see lings i not come out evenly, an the germ ination energy only 16. 0%. The ifference of germ ination energy wh ich is betw een the highest an the low est germ ination of the ifferent genotype Pitaya strain see s is 57. 3%, an the ifference of germination in ex bewt een the highest an the low est is45. 79%. The resu lt also mi prove that the see svigor of theHy locereus


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