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摘 要 自从亨利·福特于1913年创建第一条装配流水线以来,装配线已成为现代制造业中一种主要的生产组织形式,广泛应用于汽车、家电等行业。在大批量生产制造系统中,配线的平衡与否直接影响到制造系统的生产率。如何在现有条件下最大限度地提高生产效率,如何均衡各工作站的生产负荷直接影响到工作效率。在近半个世纪里,装配线平衡问题吸引了大量学者、工程师的关注,人们也开发了许多有意义的算法来解决装配线平衡问题。 本论文首先简要地介绍了装配线平衡原理并系统地阐述了工作研究的理论和方法;其次,在深入调查的基础上,运用秒表时间研究方法对轮对电机驱动装置装配线进行工时重新测定,指出装配线目前存在的各工序能力不平衡的事实和对装配流水线进行优化的必要性,并通过把工位上的作业要素进行重新分配,减少了装配线的节拍和工作站数量,提高了装配线上的产能和效率。这些改进为企业减少了不必要的浪费,降低了产品的直接成本,具有一定的经济效益。 关键词:装配流水线 工作研究 平衡 Abstract The assembly lines have been a major production style and are applied in many fields, including the automotive and electrical industries, etc. since Henry Ford built the first assembly line in 1913. In mass production system, assembly line balance impacts the efficiency of the whole manufacturing system. It directly impacts work efficiency that how to improve work efficiency under current conditions and how to balance the work load of each station. In the past half century, assembly line balancing problem has attracted a large number of academics’, engineers’ attention, and people have developed an ocean of interesting and meaningful algorithms to solve assembly line balancing problem. Firstly, this article concisely introduced the basic theory of assembly line balancing and systematically presented the theories and methods of the work study. Secondly, the article pointed out that the current issues in the motor assembly line are unbalanced and it is necessary to balance and optimize the assembly line after the method of direct time study-intensive samplings was applied to re-study the work time in motor assembly line, and the cycle time and workstations are decreased as the production capacity and load efficiency are improved by rearranging the assembly tasks in the motor assembly line. This change reduces the un-necessary waste in the workplace and costs of productions that will make the corporation get a good benefit. Key words:assembly line work study balancing 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 课题来源及意义 2 1.3 论文结构 2 第二章 装配线平衡基本理论 3 2.1



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