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武汉工业学院 毕 业 论 文 2007 届 论文题目:摩擦带式旋盖装置动画模拟设计 姓 名 学 号 院 (系) 机械工程系 专 业 包装工程 指导教师 2007 年 6 月 摘 要 玻璃瓶罐的旋盖封口装置是用螺纹连接来实现瓶罐容器封口的一种方式。瓶罐容器的封口部位制作外螺旋,封口元件的瓶盖上制作有相应的内螺旋。摩擦带式旋盖装置的基本原理是:利用运动方向相反的摩擦带驱动,使瓶身在进入摩擦带时,与瓶盖相对转动,同时利用压力使瓶盖沿螺旋线轴向移动,实现封口。 在确定工作原理之后,运用3DSmax软件来建立模型,并创建动画。主要的创作步骤分为:1.创建模型,瓶子、盖子、传输带、输盖槽等。2.材质贴图编辑,就是表现模拟实物颜色、自发光和不透明度等真实物体表面的特性。3. 制作动画,将瓶子在传输带上以及盖子旋入的每个动作分成若干个帧,再将所以的帧连起来播放,就形成了瓶子和瓶盖封合并在传输带上全部动作的动画。动画的成功制作更能形象生动地展示摩擦带式旋盖装置的封合原理。 关键词:摩擦带;旋盖;建模;动画 Abstract That the jar whorl cover seal is equipped with an ampulla is to use thread to link one kind of way coming to realize bottle jar container seal. The outside helix bottle jar container seal location is made , the helix making the inner having acting in responses on seal component cap. Rubbing the basal principle bringing the dyadic whorl cover device along is:Making use of contrary friction of direction of motion as well as driving , make the bottle body rotate when entering friction belt, relatively with the cap , make use of pressure to make a cap heal along helix bobbin to moving , coming true at the same time. Apply the software of 3DS max to come to build a model, and to establish an animated cartoon .The main creation step is mark: 1. Establishing the model , bottle , cover , transferring belt , conveying the cover slot and so on. 2. Material quality sticks true object surface characteristic property such as pursuing an editor , being to show the opacity simulating material object colour , the spontaneous light sum. 3. Every action making an animated cartoon , a bottle being entered on transferring belt as well as cover revolves divides into some that frame of reason why company is broadcast frame, again getting up, will have formed the bottle and the cap combining animated cartoon having all action at hand in transmission. The energy image shows successful animated cartoon fabrication more vividly rubbing closing up bringing the dyadic whorl cover device along agree


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