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基于内容中心网络开发平台的文件分享 摘 要 当前的网络环境与网络诞生之初时相比已经发生变化,信息更多被用于分享和合作,而非仅仅从一地传送至另一地,基于TCP/IP的现有互联网已经逐渐暴露出许多不适应。在这样的背景下,一种以“方便内容的存取”为原则设计而成的新型网络架构体系——内容中心网络应运而生。 论文首先从分析当前互联网存在的弊端入手,总结出了几点当前互联网所暴露出来的问题,并提出解决这些问题的一些方案,这其中主要包括两种——“演进型”和“革命型”,简单分析之后指出“革命型”才是长久之计,进而引出论文将要研究的重点——内容中心网络(CCN)。论文具体阐述了CCN的体系结构、设计目标和原则以及通信机制,并与当前的TCP/IP网络做了一个简单的对比,指出CCN的优势所在,最后列举了当前CCN的几个研究热点。 在做过理论上的研究之后,基于内容中心网络开发平台CCNx进行了一个探究性的文件下载实验,具体实现的功能是客户端能根据各服务节点的状态信息智能选择最优下载节点进行文件下载。本实验主要是在CCN文件下载过程中增加一个选路的过程,目的是节省网络带宽,减少网络拥堵,缩短请求者对服务节点的额外占用时间。应用到实际中,当要下载的文件很大,服务节点很多,链路结构很复杂时,选路所带来的好处会更加明显。另外通过本次实验我们也验证了CCN路由器的缓存功能,缓存功能是CCN网络架构的一大优势所在。 关键词 内容中心网络(CCN) CCNx 文件下载 FILE SHARING BASED ON THE CONTENT-CENTRIC NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM ABSTRACT When compared to the beginning ,the current network environment has changed a lot. The information has been mainly used to share rather than merely transferred from one place to another.The current IP-based network has revealed many insuitable aspects. The traditional host-centric Internet can no longer meet people’s needs on the network size、function and performance. This paper starts from the analysis of the current Internet drawbacks and pointed out the problems exposed by Internet. Thus some programs which mainly include two kinds——“evolution” and “revolution” are forwarded to address these issues.After simple analysis ,the“revolution” is considered as the long-term solution. Then CCN, the focus of the study in this paper is forwarded. Firstly a brief introduction of the four kinds of CCN——NDN、DONA、PSIRP and Netinf is given including their basic design and overall architecture. Then the representative NDN is taken as an example for further research and discussion. The paper specially addresses the NDN architecture, design objectives and principles, as well as the communication mechanism and also make a simple comparison with the current TCP/IP network to point out the advantages of NDN. An inquryfile sharing experiment is carried out after the theoretical research. Sp


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