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中山火炬职业技术学院 成人教育毕业论文 论文名称:塑料制品取出升降输送设备的PLC控制系统设计 作 者: 学 号: 系 别: 电子工程系 专 业: 电气自动化技术 指导老师: 专业技术职务 电气工程师 中山火炬职业技术学院继续教育处制 塑料制品取出升降输送设备的PLC控制系统设计 摘 要 论文介绍了可编程控制器。传统的由有害工作环境高温、剧毒、强辐射等工作环境和场所劳动者生产、劳动,如果超过一定限度,并且持续到一定时间,则可能产生不同的有害后果。,采用三菱的小型PLC对整个运行系统进行控制,可实现较高的自动化程度,,。其控制系统结构清楚、线路简单、工作可靠、同时设置了动/自动控制开关,使得系统维护更加方便,减轻了工人的劳动强度,提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性。本具有、、、故障报警和维修检查功能。能全自动进行,包括等。在编程器上可以显示、周期、状态等,也可以显示报警信息。采用曲线和设备运行全自动方法时,可由微机编程,流程显示可用屏或板两种方式,可在微机上对PLC编程,并能提供所有软件设备。软件可记录设备运行的时间和历史记录,随机和定时打印数据、报表、曲线等,同时记录多项故障和事件发生。必要时能够进行人工干预。Abstract: The paper describes the application of the programmable controller of plastic products to remove the device control system design. Traditional plastic products mold, all from a simple manual out, production, labor in hazardous work environments, such as high temperature, toxic, strong radiation environment and places, the workers, if more than a certain limits, and continued until a certain period of time may produce different harmful consequences. Environment, poor places, the operation suffered, and simple manual operation is also difficult to improve production efficiency and product quality, based on the above, we use the small PLC of Mitsubishi equipment operating systems to control remove the entire product can be to achieve a higher degree of automation, instead of the traditional operation to work, and production efficiency has improved. The control system structure is clear that the circuit is simple, reliable operation, set manual / automatic control switch, making maintenance more convenient and reduce the labor intensity, improve system stability and reliability. This product to remove the equipment control system with time set, travel set, count set, fault alarm and maintenance check. This equipment can be fully automated products remove the work, including clips automatically in and out of the mold clamping and release the products, products, vertical tr


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